Dala (Angola)

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Dala (Angola)
Coordinates 11 ° 2 ′  S , 20 ° 12 ′  E Coordinates: 11 ° 2 ′  S , 20 ° 12 ′  E
Basic data
Country Angola


Lunda Sul
Município Dala
Comuna Dala
surface 14,541 km²
Residents 30,000 (2014)
density 2.1  Ew. / km²
mayor João Txiculo Martins

Dala is a small town in Angola .


On August 16, 1968 Dala was elevated to a small town ( Vila ).


Dala is the seat of a district of the same name ( Município ) in the province of Lunda Sul . The district has about 30,000 inhabitants (2014 estimate) on an area of ​​14,541 km².

The following municipalities (Comunas) are in the Dala district:


As part of the government's poverty reduction programs, the construction of numerous facilities was announced at the beginning of 2011, including a secondary school, a student dormitory for 100 children, and a kindergarten and toddler care complex for 2,200 children, in addition to a municipal market hall, apartments for technical employees, etc. a. For the 43rd anniversary of Dala’s elevation to a small town, the provincial governor Cândida Narciso inaugurated several buildings on August 16, 2011, including a school building with 14 classrooms, a complex with teachers' apartments, the municipal market hall and three semi-detached houses for technical employees. The governor recognized the inadequacy of the opened and the planned buildings in view of the unsolved problems in the district, and referred to further planning in the near future.

In the course of 2013, the provincial government opened 12 new school rooms in Dala County. She continued to prefer the construction of classrooms outside of Dala in order to give priority to those pupils whose way to school to the district town was previously unreasonably long. The education situation in the district remains tense. In early 2014, 1677 primary school students were taught by 46 teachers in just four school classes in the district town of Dala. The district administration complains about a lack of classrooms, teachers and apartments for the teachers, so that some of the lessons have to be held in churches and other unsuitable locations.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Article from March 27, 2014 ( Memento of the original from April 15, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. at www.angola24.net, accessed April 14, 2014 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.angola24.net
  2. a b Article of August 17, 2011 by the state news agency ANGOP , accessed on April 14, 2014
  3. ^ Article of April 5, 2011 by the state news agency ANGOP, accessed on April 14, 2014
  4. Article from February 2014 on www.portaldeangola.com, accessed on April 14, 2014