Dalibor martinis

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Dalibor Martinis (* 1947 in Zagreb , Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia ) is a Croatian video , performance and conceptual artist .


Dalibor Martinis studied art at the University of Zagreb and began working with video in the early 1970s . In 1978 he and his then wife, the artist Sanja Iveković , founded the exhibition space “Podroom”, which was run by and for artists and existed until 1980. Martinis was visiting professor at the University of Zagreb, the OCAD University and from 2008 until his retirement professor at the University of Rijeka .

Dalibor Martinis talks to Dalibor Martinis shows the 31-year-old Dalibor Martinis in a recording from 1978, how he conducted an interview with himself, as a 62-year-old, in 2010. The first question he asks is whether he is still alive.

Video Immunity (1978), Comrades and Citizens (2006), Egyptian Odessa Stairs (2011) and Odessa / Stairs / 1925/2014 (2014) are other well-known video works.

Exhibitions / collections (selection)

Dalibor Martinis took part in international exhibitions ( Biennale of São Paulo , documenta 8 , Videonale 3, 47th Biennale di Venezia ) and film festivals in Berlin, Tokyo, Montreal, San Francisco, and Locarno.

His works are in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, the Center for Art and Media Technology in Karlsruhe, the New York Public Library , the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb and the Kontakt.Art Collection in Vienna.


  • Dalibor Martinis, Parken Verboten, Art between Nature and Technology: Encrypted messages for Rosenheim. Exhibition catalog by Iris Trübswetter, Beros Nada, Hannah Stegmayer, Kunstverein Rosenheim, 2000, ISBN 978-3980718721

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. documenta 8 catalog: Volume 1: Essays; Volume 2: Catalog page 318; Volume 3: artist book; Kassel 1987, ISBN 3-925272-13-5
  2. Performing The East Dalibor Martinis , accessed August 8, 2015.
  3. a b Dalibor Martinis website , accessed on August 8, 2015 (English).
  4. ^ To the exhibition in the engine hall, Dresden under the curation of Susanne Altmann: Dalibor Martinis: Data Recovery. Video works 1976–2011. riesa efau , 2011, accessed on August 8, 2015 .