Checkers-light pieces-endgame

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As Dame minor pieces finals are chess finals without towers designated where a party at least one lady and the other party, at least one minor piece ( Springer or runner has). In contrast to light tower endgames , such endgames are less common in game practice.

Finals without pawns

Lady versus minor figure

  a b c d e f G H  
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  a b c d e f G H  

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

  a b c d e f G H  
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  a b c d e f G H  

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

The endgame of checkers versus minor pieces is almost always an elementary win.

In exceptional cases , a draw can be achieved by combining different motifs such as bondage and stalemate , perpetual chess , fork or spit .

Left diagram:
Draw after 1. Bh4 – f2 Qb6xf2 stalemate .

Diagram on the right:
Continuous check after 1. Ng4 – h6 + Kg8 – h8 2. Ng6 – f7 + or dead position with only two kings, if the queen gives up against the knight.

Queen against two minor pieces

The queen's final game against two minor pieces is mostly won by the queen's party. The minor piece party can hold a draw if its king and the two pieces can build a fortress . Two knights against a queen are successful if they are next to each other near their king. Theoretically, the queen's party almost always wins against a runner and a knight as well as against the pair of runners , whereby the win against the runners is sometimes very complicated and lengthy. In particular against the pair of bishops, winning the game, assuming optimal play on both sides, can fail due to the 50- move rule . Against two bishops of the same color, which practically never happens, the queen wins relatively easily.

Queen and minor against queen

In most cases the endgame is a queen and minor piece drawn against queen. If the stronger side comes to the concentrated attack, however, a profit is often possible, which can be based on forced draft positions . The endgame was particularly studied by the Belgian chess composer Julien Vandiest .

Queen against three minor pieces

The final queen against three minor pieces is usually a draw. Occasionally, the checkers have to be careful not to lose the checkers by a fork or a skewer . The minor piece party, on the other hand, must be careful not to lose any of its pieces to a double attack or a spike.

Finals with pawns

Queen versus minor and pawn

The final queen against minor figure and pawn is usually won for the queen party. There are exceptions when the pawn has moved up to his seventh row and is supported by a king or minor piece. In these cases the minor piece party can often reach a draw; sometimes she can aim for one of the few draw positions in the final queen against pawn .

Queen against two minor pieces and a pawn

In the final queen against two minor pieces and a pawn, the minor piece party usually has a good chance of a draw.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mark Dworeckij: The Endgame University . Chessgate, 2002, ISBN 3-935748-02-7 , p. 368