Damian Vulpe

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Damian Vulpe (born May 19, 1938 in Reșița , German  Reschitz , Kingdom of Romania ) is a Romanian choir director , musicologist , music critic and music teacher .


Damian Vulpe is the grandson of the folklorist and writer Alexander Tietz , as well as the maternal grandson of the composer and conductor Peter Rohr . Vulpe studied from 1955 to 1960 at the National Music University of Bucharest with Ion Vicol and DD Botez. In 1971 Vulpe took part in the international choir director seminar in East Berlin . In 1976 he took a conducting course in Weimar with Kurt Masur in the summer , and in 1983 a conducting course in Sinaia with Constantine Bugeanu . Between 1960 and 1961 he taught at the Pedagogical Lyceum “D. Țichindeal “in Arad . At the Pedagogical Institute in Timisoara he was from 1961 to 1964 "şef de cabinet", from 1964 to 1973 assistant, from 1973 to 1979 lecturer, from 1990 to 1994 associate professor and from 1994 professor and dean of the Faculty of Music of the University of the West Timişoara . From 1979 to 1980 he also taught music at the “Şcoala Generală nr. 19 ".

Vulpe led the choir of the cultural house of the trade unions of Reșița (1964–1969), the choir of the Timisoara Pioneer Palace (1961–1962), the choir of the teachers' union Carmine Dacica din Timişoara (1980–1984), the choir of the Higiena cooperative (1980 –1989), the choir and the chamber orchestra of the Timișoara University (1987–1989), but also the choir of the Banat Philharmonic and the Timișoara State Opera (1980–1991) and the Schubert Choir Timișoara (1985–1987). After the Romanian Revolution in 1989 , he founded and directed the Chamber Choir of the Timișoara Music Faculty (Camerata Academica Timisiensis) in 1990 . In 1996, Vulpe was the first dean to head the newly founded music faculty at the University of the West Timișoara. In 2004 he received his PhD in musicology here .

Publications (selection)

In addition to regular reviews and chronicles on the daily music scene in the Banat, Vulpe also published numerous didactic studies and works or monographs on the musicians Georg Philipp Telemann , Alma Cornea Ionescu and Iosif Velceanu . He published articles, reviews and critiques in the publications Muzica, Actualitatea Muzicală, Contemporanul, Cultura Naţională, Neuer Weg and Allgemeine Deutsche Zeitung für Romania (Bucharest), Flamura Roșie, Flamura, Caraș-Severinul and Reflex (Reșița), Foaia Dieceziană (Caransebeș ), Drapelul Roşu, Renaşterea Bănățeană, Timişşoara, Meridianul Timişoara, Realiatatea Bănățeană, Ecou 17, Timisiensis, Forum, Dialog Liberal, Naša Reèc, Szabad Szó, Banatske Novine and Neue Banater Zeitung (Timişoara (Munich) and Banater Post ).

  • Telemann , with Ladislau Füredi, Editura muzicală a uniunii compozitorilor, 1971, 181 pp.
  • Alma Cornea-Ionescu - O viaţă dăruită pianului , Timișoara, Editura Tempus, 1971
  • Iosif Velceanu - un entuziast propagator al culturii şi muzicii româneşti , Timișoara, Editura Eurobit, 1996
  • Collaboration on Corala camerata - Academia Timisiensis , Timișoara, 1996, 2002
  • Josef Tietz , Timișoara, 2006
  • Două decenii de activitate , Timişoara, Editura Filarmonicii, 1967;
  • Douăzeci de ani de activitate a corului , Timișoara, Editura Filarmonicii, 1975 (în colaborare);
  • Iosif Velceanu. In: Studii muzicologice issue 12, Bucharest, 1976
  • Orchestra muncitorilor reșițeni , în: Studii muzicologice Edition 17, Bucharest, 1983
  • Folklorul românesc în creaţia lui Béla Bartók. In: Calendarul românesc, Gyula / Hungary, 1993
  • Singspielurile şi operele lui WA Mozart la Timișoara . In: Artes, Iași, edition 1, 1995
  • Ion Vidu şi fascinaţia corului , with Ion Românu. In: Timisiensis, Timișoara, Edition 2, 1996
  • Muzicieni cehi şi slovaci în Banatul montan. In: Anale, Timișoara, issue 1, 1997
  • On the history of Timisoara music schools and conservatories. In: Contributions to Southeast European Music History, Edition Musik Südost, Munich, 2001
  • Missa "Jubilei", o creaţie a unui muzician din Banatul montan. In: Studii de imnologie, Timișoara, Editura Mirton, 2002
  • Margareta Hetz-Cocora. A life dedicated to the piano . In: Echo of the Lecture Series, Issue 6, 2002
  • Învățămăntul muzical Timișorean cu Școlile lui , April 2011

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Balthasar Waitz : A connoisseur of the Banat music tradition. Damian Vulpe presents book about Banat choral music. In: General German newspaper for Romania , October 12, 2012
  2. ^ Franz Metz : Peter Rohr (1881-1956). In: Edition Musik Südost, Munich, 2008
  3. ^ A b c Consiliul Județean Timiș: VULPE, Damian. Muzicolog, profesor şi dirijor ( Memento from February 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) , in Romanian