Dance Fight Love Die

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German title Dance Fight Love Die - Out and about with Mikis Theodorakis
Original title Dance Fight Love Die - With Mikis on the Road
Country of production Germany
original language Greek
Publishing year 2017
length 87 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Asteris Kutulas
script Asteris Kutulas, Ina Koutoulas
production Asteris Kutulas, Ina Kutulas
music Mikis Theodorakis
camera Mike Geranios , Asteris Kutulas
cut Cleopatra Dimitriou , Yannis Sakaridis

Dance Fight Love Die (Original title: Dance Fight Love Die - With Mikis on the Road ) is a German-Greek documentary by Asteris Kutulas from 2017. It is a film portrait of the Greek composer and writer Mikis Theodorakis , one of the most famous Greek ones 20th century composers. Asteris Kutulas collected documentary material from his travels with Theodorakis for almost 30 years and processed the 600-hour raw material into an essay film . The - as yet unfinished - film celebrated its world premiere at the Hof International Film Festival in October 2017. The German theatrical release was on May 10, 2018. The theatrical release in Greece was on October 24, 2018.


The film does not follow a linear story, but rather forms an associatively structured collage, the overriding theme of which is the music and personality of the musical anarchist Mikis Theodorakis , who is known for the film music of Costa-Gavras "Z " and "Alexis Zorbas" .

On the official website of the film, the work is described as follows: "DANCE FIGHT LOVE DIE is an exuberant visual epic, a clip-like, poetic road movie, an associative film collage. Everything revolves around the universe of the composer Mikis Theodorakis, the Exceptional artist of a dramatic century who inspired millions around the world, the enfant terrible of recent European music history. Asteris Kutulas accompanied Theodorakis from 1987 to 2017 and kept his video camera running: 3 decades, 4 continents, 100 locations, 600 hours of film material. In his Film interweaves Kutula's very personal moments with archive material, documentary recordings with humorous-grotesque fiction and Theodorakis' music with its reverberations in the interpretations of numerous predominantly young artists, including jazz, classical, electro and rap versions. 90 minutes Music, hardly a spoken word, DANCE FIGHT LOVE DIE - a unique film About inspiration, Eros and Thanatos. "


At the time of the first recordings in 1987, Asteris Kutulas was not planning to create something coherent from the filmed material, but instead kept the camera like a diary with which he would record the memories of that time. Kutulas commented in an interview with Michaela Prinzinger:

"I did it back then to document the vibrant artistic energy that I felt around me. To film, keep a diary, write texts, translate poems - all of this was part of our life" in art "for me back then. . And the collaboration with Mikis led me straight into the world of music, poetry, philosophy - the recordings are full of "it" " .

Years later, his wife Ina Kutulas brought him to make a "real" film from the archive material and thus continue what he had already started with his previous film "Recycling Medea". Thus, the film belongs to a planned concept tetralogy by Asteris Kutulas , the "Thanatos-Film-Tetralogy", which consists of three tragedies based on the music of the Theodorakis operas "Elektra", "Medea" & "Antigone", and the Comedy "Dance Fight Love Die" consists. After "Recycling Medea" from 2014, "Dance Fight Love Die" is now the second film in the tetralogy.

In a director's statement, Asteris Kutulas described his film as follows:

"In DANCE FIGHT LOVE DIE, the birth of a film based on the spirit of music is revealed to me. As a child of Greek civil war refugees, I grew up with Theodorakis' music. Artistic Greece remained our home in the diaspora." On the way with Mikis "documented a visual approach, a chase, a line of sight across to the cosmos of the composer Theodorakis. A hybrid film about a hybrid life that runs exemplarily between different poles: between the periphery and the center, between Greece, Germany, Europe and all continents, between intimacy and public appearances, between black and white and color, between the cloakroom and the big stage. As a Berlin artist, I always had the wall in front of my eyes, the no man's land at my back. DANCE FIGHT LOVE DIE strengthens the immune system. "

From the unused material, Kutulas also created a conceptual art project parallel to the main film: The "Satellite Clips", which for him orbit the main film like satellites around their home planet. The "Satellite Clips" are fed from the unused 600 hours of archive material from the film as well as fictional sequences and making-of recordings with young artists who were involved in the making of the film between 2014 and 2018. The "satellite clips" would bear the name of the Kutulas employee who played a key role in the realization of the respective clip. For kutulas, each clip represents a part of the whole. The first 13 of a total of 21 planned "satellite clips" have been published on the artist's website.


  • "After all, this is an ambitious film that is exhausted because it consistently runs through its program to the end and that at first glance is an elusive work that kills its viewer with its audiovisual performance. It is a massive essay film, a huge one hypnotic collage that does not seek the concrete but tries to penetrate the poetry of Theodorakis' work. " (Ron Jäger, BeNow)
  • "" Dance Fight Love Die "combines music and moving images into a condensed illustration of the life and work of the enfant terrible of recent European music history: the Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis." (Southgerman newspaper)
  • "With no make-up and no frills, Kutulas sends the viewer on a journey of discovery into the universe of the great Greek Theodorakis. In rapidly changing scenes and with a built-in plot that gets by without any dialogue, Kutulas effortlessly overcomes the boundaries between time and space, reality and dream The great music by Theodorakis hovers above everything ... What Asteris Kutulas brought us here is really great cinema! " (
  • "This is what it all comes down to from right to left: Man will never be the way Mikis Theodorakis, the Marxist Methuselah, created him as a musical figure. Mikis, the man, spreads his arms as if he wanted to fly or dance, and says: "I am free." (Die WELT)
  • "In“ Dance Fight Love Die ”Asteris Kutulas documents the production fury of his friend Mikis Theodorakis. He puts Eckermann's love services in passe-partouts and delivers them like a slide show. For thirty years Kutulas collected private and public moments of the Greek national hero, whom the camera captured his side does not bother. Theodorakis lives in an uninterrupted creative frenzy. " (


The German actor André Hennicke also found unanimous words of praise for the film:

"A film like a daydream. Like a breathing memory of a great, adventurous life that doesn't want to end. The huge, lanky man with the crutch. Who didn't want to be able to fly. He was looking for a way to fly anyway. His music. It makes that everyone who hears it can fly. The many, different scraps of his music, which like delicate filaments connect the small human moments with the great moments of his success. Very emotional. Almost as would it be your own memory ... "

Mikis Theodorakis himself made a statement about Kutulas 'film and said that Kutulas' very own and personal view of his work would be a fortunate coincidence, because it would result in innovative approaches and expressions in dealing with his work and his life story. He also noted:

"At first it was not easy for me to make friends with this reading - on the one hand because of the scope of my work and because of the drama of my busy life. On the other hand, because I had long since developed my own aesthetic and philosophical codes. However - instead of myself Asteris' unusual directorial interpretation of my work and my life would have repelled the opposite. They enriched me psychologically, spiritually and creatively because they inspired me to see myself and my work with the intrepid gaze of today and tomorrow I can say that this way of looking at things has made me feel young, because this way of looking at things redeems my work and me from the dozen years that my untamed life has burdened me with. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dance Fight Love Die: With Mikis On the Road. Retrieved February 3, 2019 .
  2. Dance Fight Love Die. Retrieved February 3, 2019 .
  3. Editor: DANCE FIGHT LOVE DIE. May 10, 2018, accessed on February 17, 2019 (German).
  4. ^ Director's Statement. In: DANCE FIGHT LOVE DIE. October 15, 2017, accessed on February 3, 2019 (German).
  5. Satellite Clips - A Conceptual Art Project | Asteris Kutula's blog. Retrieved on February 5, 2019 (German).
  6. Ron Jäger: A unique film collage: "Dance Fight Love Die - On the way with Mikis Theodorakis". In: BEnow. September 6, 2018, accessed on February 3, 2019 (German).
  7. From reviews, reviews and statements (selection). In: DANCE FIGHT LOVE DIE. June 14, 2018, accessed on February 3, 2019 (German).
  8. From reviews, reviews and statements (selection). In: DANCE FIGHT LOVE DIE. June 14, 2018, accessed on February 3, 2019 (German).
  9. From reviews, reviews and statements (selection). In: DANCE FIGHT LOVE DIE. June 14, 2018, accessed on February 3, 2019 (German).
  10. Dance Fight Love Die - On the way with Mikis Theodorakis | Hard sensations. Retrieved on February 3, 2019 (German).
  11. From reviews, reviews and statements (selection). In: DANCE FIGHT LOVE DIE. June 14, 2018, accessed on February 3, 2019 (German).
  12. Thoughts on Asteris Kutulas' film "Dance Fight Love Die" - by Mikis Theodorakis. In: DANCE FIGHT LOVE DIE. May 16, 2018, accessed on February 5, 2019 (German).