Daniel Heinrich Hering

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Daniel Heinrich Hering (born December 1, 1722 in Stolp , Western Pomerania ; † August 21, 1807 ) was a Reformed theologian . He was senior consistorial advisor in Breslau , inspector for Silesia and wrote numerous papers on the history of the Reformed Church in Brandenburg-Prussia as well as on other historical and theological topics.


His father Heinrich Hering was a businessman, his mother was Dorothea Elisabeth Müller. Daniel Heinrich first attended the schools in Stolp, from 1734 the Friedrichsschule in Küstrin and from 1738 the Joachimsthalsche Gymnasium in Berlin. In that year he switched to the theological seminary in Berlin and studied theology in Halle from 1741 . Since 1743 Daniel Heinrich Hering was an informator (private tutor) for the castle captain Paul Friedrich von Kamecke in Berlin and Prötzel. During this time he became a full member of the learned society in Berlin.

In 1757 he was appointed preacher at the Reformed Johanniskirche in Neustadt-Eberswalde . In 1759 Hering became the third cathedral preacher at Halle Cathedral . In 1765 he became second preacher at the Parochialkirche in Breslau and director of the newly founded Reformed Real School (since 1776 Friedrichs School). In 1783 Daniel Heinrich Hering was appointed first preacher at the Parochialkirche and senior consistorial councilor. From 1787 (or 1789) he was inspector for the church and school system in Silesia. In 1803 he gave up this office and died in 1807 at the age of 84.

Hering made a name for himself in particular as a historian of the Reformed Church in Brandenburg-Prussia. He also published a Lutheran Reformed catechism that was in use until the mid-19th century.

Fonts (selection)

  • Four sermons from Christian child discipline. Curt, Hall 1763 ( digitized version ).
  • Historical news of the first beginning of the Evangelical Reformed Church in Brandenburg and Prussia under the godly Elector Johann Sigismund: together with the three confessional documents of this church. Curt, Halle 1778 ( digitized ).
  • Short lessons in Christian doctrine for children in both Protestant parts. For use in the rural schools of the Principality of Cöthen. Schöndorf, Köthen 1783 ( digitized version ).
  • History of the famous former grammar school in Bytom on the Oder. Graß, Breslau 1784 (below) ( digitized version ).
  • Contributions to the history of the Evangelical Reformed Church in the Prussian-Brandenburg countries. Two volumes. Meyer, Breslau 1784/1785 ( digitized volume 1 ; digitized volume 2 ).
  • New contributions to the history of the Evangelical Reformed Church in the Prussian-Brandenburg states. Two volumes. Meyer, Breslau 1786/1787.
  • Short lessons in Christian teaching. Meyer, Breslau 1796 ( digitized version ).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ At the time in Breslau also Klaus Garbe: The old Breslau. Cultural history of an intellectual metropolis. Böhlau, Cologne, Weimar, Vienna 2014. ISBN 978-3-412-22252-9 . Pp. 175f., 506f.