Daniel Wachschlager

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Daniel Wachschlager (born April 9, 1623 in Thorn , Polish Prussia , † March 15, 1689 ibid) was councilor and mayor of Thorn.


The ancestors on the paternal side had been living in Prussia since the 14th century at the latest . The family later described themselves as the oldest patrician family in Thorn. The father Georg Wachschlager (1584–1630) was Schöppe there , the mother Anna was a daughter of the mayor Andreas Baumgarten, the uncle Daniel Wachschlager was also mayor. Daniel Wachschlager (II.) Became Schöppe in 1654 in the Thorner suburb and in 1657 in the old town. From 1672 he was councilor, from 1679 also royal burgrave in Thorn. In 1682 Daniel Wachschlager became one of the four mayors of the city, including two years president (first mayor). At this time he was also the proto-holarch (chief responsible for the school system) of the city. In 1684 he received from the Polish King John III. Sobieski a golden chain of grace.

The historian Christoph Hartknoch wrote a detailed dedication for him in his book Old and New Prussia .

Daniel Wachschlager was married to Elisabeth Mochinger († 1681), a daughter of the Thorner doctor Georg Mochinger, since 1646. Children were

  • Georg Wachschlager (1648–1720), diplomat in the Swedish service and court chancellor in Stockholm
  • Daniel Wachschlager (1650–1705), Schöppe in Thorn, grandfather of the mayor Carl Jacob Wachschlager (1718–1797)


  • Carl Gotthelf Praetorius : Thorner temple of honor or directory of the mayors and town councilors of the city of Thorn. Edited by Wilhelm Theodor Lohde. Berlin 1832. p. 52

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carl Gotthelf Praetorius: Thorner Ehrentempel or directory of the mayors and town councilors of the city of Thorn. Edited by Wilhelm Theodor Lohde. Berlin 1832. P. III first page after the cover sheet