The crime museum: the timetable

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Episode in the series Das Kriminalmuseum
Original title The timetable
Country of production Federal Republic of Germany
original language German
Intertel Television
length 66 minutes
classification Episode 11 ( list )
First broadcast September 10, 1964 on ZDF
Director Theodor Grädler ; Adolph Schlyssleder (assistant director)
script Stefan Gommermann
production Helmut Ringelmann
music Horst Dempfwolff ,
Martin Böttcher (title music)
camera Hannes Schindler
cut Adolph Schlyssleder

The timetable is the 11th TV film in the crime series Das Kriminalmuseum . The German first broadcast took place on September 10, 1964 on ZDF .


The building contractor Herbert Forster wants to have his wife murdered. They share a flat in Düsseldorf. His company is in Munich, where he is during the week. He is only with his wife in Düsseldorf on the weekends. His schedule for the contract killer is as follows: While Ms. Forster takes her husband to the train from Düsseldorf to Munich on Sunday evening of September 7th (departure 11:05 p.m.), the contract killer is said to be taking the train at 5 p.m. from Munich to Düsseldorf (arrival at 10:10 p.m. in Düsseldorf), from Düsseldorf main station by taxi to Narzissenstrasse. 42 to go from there to Holbeinstrasse, where the Forster's apartment is located. He is supposed to enter there with a duplicate key that Mr. Forster gave him, hide in the apartment, wait until Mrs. Forster returns from the train station, then murder her, take the cash and jewelry and take the train at midnight : Drive back to Munich at 11 a.m. (arrival Monday morning at 7:30 a.m.) and then put the keys in the mailbox of Forster's office.

However, this plan fails because Ms. Forster returns to her apartment before the contract killer and the latter cannot get into the apartment because the locking chain is in place from the inside. Mrs. Forster is completely scared and calls her husband in the office the next day that she wants to move in with her brother. However, Mr. Forster can dissuade you from this and only the locks are exchanged with two new keys, both of which are in the possession of Ms. Forster.

On the following Thursday morning, September 11th, Ms. Forster's cleaning lady was not opened and after the neighbor entered Ms. Forster's apartment via the balcony, her body was discovered. The Düsseldorf detective arrives at the scene of the crime and gradually it becomes clear to him that the husband of the person killed has eliminated his wife with the help of a contract killer. Several motives even come to light: the Forsters had drifted apart, Mr. Forster had a lover for two years, and there were also financial problems in the company that could be solved in one fell swoop by paying out a life insurance policy. Since Forster himself has a rock solid alibi, Detective Inspector Hager can only get to Forster through the killer. Detective Inspector Hager goes to Munich, assuming that Forster could only have hired his hit man there.

Detective Inspector Hager gradually succeeds in reconstructing the course of events: On the day of the crime, Forster met his lover Zenta in the Balan Garden in Munich in the afternoon. "Coincidentally", her brother also comes there with his little daughter Monika. The hit man Ivo Nemec, hired by Forster, also works there as a beer waiter, but Detective Inspector Hager does not yet know this at the time. Apparently Forster arranged everything in such a way that he could bring the killer, who finished work at 4:30 p.m., from the Balan Garden directly to Munich Central Station, so that the killer could catch the train to Düsseldorf at 5 p.m. and be there Execute murder assignment. Furthermore, with the help of the unsuspecting authorized signatory Borda, the inspector finds out that Forster made two phone calls later that evening: one around 9 p.m. to announce a messenger from Munich to his wife who would deliver sensitive tax documents to her that should be hidden from the tax authorities. should pass. This messenger, for whom Frau Forster then opened the door, is none other than her murderer; the second phone call was the agreed call of the murderer shortly after his arrival by train in Düsseldorf, with which the latter wants to make sure that Ms. Forster has swallowed the roast and Forster to give the killer the command to start ("broken neck and leg") ).

Despite this meticulous reconstruction of the crime, the killer still remains unknown. Detective Inspector Hager confronts Forster directly with his conviction that he considers him to be the person who commissioned the murder, but that he cannot prove anything at the moment and announces that he wants to return to Düsseldorf. Since he doesn't know when the next train will leave, Forster helps and gives the inspector his timetable, which he also used to plan the murder. Just as the superintendent wants to get on the train with his detective assistant Buttke, he learns from him that the wife of the lover's brother might know something because she doesn't like the arrogant Forster, who has a bad influence on her husband. The commissioner considers this information so important that he gets off the train again and finally learns from his brother's wife, through the little daughter Monika, that Uncle Herbert (i.e. Forster) brought the murderer to the train station in Munich from the Balan Garden. The inspector also notices that something has been scrawled on the timetable that Forster gave him: when the hit man wrote the address "Narcissenstrasse 42" on a napkin, the text got through to the timetable. Inspector Hager then lets everyone who has anything to do with the Balan Garden and who are foreigners dance up and finds the real murderer on the basis of written samples and the testimony of the Düsseldorf taxi driver. He admits that Forster has him in hand: Ivo Jovenka - that's his real name - has been sentenced to 15 years in prison in his homeland and lived here under a false name. Forster knew this and forced Ivo to commit the murder.

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