The Luxembourg plot

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The Luxembourg plot is a novel by the German author Christian v. Ditfurth , published in 2005 by Droemer-Verlag . The thriller is based on an alternative world scenario and depicts the consequences of a successful Spartacus uprising .


Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were saved from being shot by the Freikorps on January 15, 1919 . At her instigation, the Ebert-Groener Pact is unveiled, which fuels popular indignation. The KPD and USPD take over power in large parts of Germany ( Bavaria and East Elbe remain in the hands of the Reichswehr ) and set up a council government . But the revolutionaries' joy only lasted for a short time: the blockade by the Ententepersists; Outside Berlin, the cities and municipalities switch and rule at their own discretion and a large part of the Reichsbahn , officials and diplomats refuse to accept the new government.

Lenin now sees the opportunity to set up a Bolshevik puppet government in Germany . For this purpose, the German Cheka officer Sebastian Zacharias, a former student of Luxemburg, is sent to Berlin to influence them in Lenin's favor and, if necessary, to eliminate them. In Germany, Zacharias witnessed the political power struggles and intrigues between the government factions and began to have doubts about his mission. Ultimately, the council government, against Luxemburg's resistance, decides to follow the Russian example of the Red Terror in order to bring order to the country. Luxembourg wants to Zacharias and disillusioned Leo Jogiches in Switzerland escape, but on the way there they are arrested by the Reichswehr.

In their custody, Wilhelm Groener and Erich Ludendorff Luxemburg reveal the truth about the German revolution: The rescue of Luxemburg and Liebknecht, as well as the unveiling of the Ebert-Groener Pact and the non-fighting withdrawal of the counterrevolutionary forces was staged by the Reichswehr.

Through a socialist near-revolution in Germany, which is prevented at the last second by the German military, the victorious powers are to be mildly opposed to the impending peace treaty . In addition, the chaos in which Germany has sunk as a result of the revolution is intended to create a chilling example that will prevent future socialist revolutions in Europe. Luxemburg and Jogiches are now completely devastated and reject an attempt to escape with Zacharias. He manages to escape, settles in the Soviet Union and works again for the Cheka.

Luxemburg and Jogiches are shot dead by the Reichswehr and the revolution is put down. The surviving revolutionaries like Liebknecht flee to the Soviet Union. Germany becomes a military dictatorship that vigorously fights communism. Years later, Zacharias himself becomes a victim of the political cleansing under Joseph Stalin and tells his story to the interrogator of the NKVD .

Historical personalities

In addition to the fictional protagonist Sebastian Zacharias, Rosa Luxemburg , Karl Liebknecht , Leo Jogiches , Ernst Reuter and Karl Radek also appear as the main characters. Many other real personalities of this time also have short appearances in the novel. In addition to those already mentioned in the text, these include Clara Zetkin , Hugo Haase , Felix Dserschinski , Hans von Seeckt , Ernst Thälmann , Waldemar Pabst , Wilhelm Pieck and Ernst Gennat .


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