The game of death

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Original title The game of death
Country of production German Empire
original language German
Publishing year 1917
length approx. 71 minutes
Director Alwin Neuss
script Paul Otto based on the novel Das Chagrinleder by Honoré de Balzac
production Erich Pommer
camera Carl Hoffmann

Das Spiel vom Tode is a German silent film drama from 1917 by and with Alwin Neuss .


Rafael von Valentin has just had an unhappy love with Princess Fedora and, in the face of this shameful loss, is thinking of ending his life. An encounter with the antique dealer Mephiles brings him a fateful turn, because the old man gives him a piece of shagreen leather, which from now on is supposed to fulfill his owner's every wish. However, this leather talisman becomes a little shorter according to every wish . When the last piece of leather is used up in this way, the prophecy goes on, the owner's life will be over.

In his euphoria, Rafael does not care about the warning and accumulates great wealth with his wishes. When the remnant of the leather has become tiny, Rafael panics and instructs his servant to sell the remaining piece of leather back to the antique dealer. In fact, the dying Mephiles shows himself ready to buy back the remains of the leather. Rafael renounces his wealth, recognizes the value of true happiness and marries the young Pauline, the daughter of his quarter wife.

Production notes

The Game of Death was made in the Eiko-Film-Atelier in Berlin-Marienfelde , passed the film censorship in September 1917 and was premiered a little later. The length of the four-act vehicle was 1466 meters.

The 21-year-old Kurt Bobeth-Bolander made his film debut here.


"The game of death ... from the romantic era is taken from Honoré de Balzac's novel" Chagrinleder "and has been adapted to make it cinematic. Here, too, the technical advantages come to the fore, naturally emphasizing the content in the most favorable way. "

- New Kino-Rundschau

Individual evidence

  1. Neue Kino-Rundschau from November 1, 1919. p. 23

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