Datus Hilarion Lega

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Datus Hilarion Lega, 2017

Datus Hilarion Lega (born October 21, 1956 in Kupang ) is Bishop of Manokwari-Sorong .


Datus Hilarion Lega was ordained a priest on June 15, 1984 . Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Manokwari - Sorong on June 30, 2003 .

The episcopal ordination donated to him the old bishop of Manokwari-Sorong, Francis Xavier Sudartanta Hadisumarta OCarm , on September 7th of the same year; Co- consecrators were Julius Riyadi Cardinal Darmaatmadja SJ , Archbishop of Jakarta and Military Bishop of Indonesia , and Jacobus Duivenvoorde MSC , Archbishop of Merauke .

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predecessor Office successor
Francis Xavier Sudartanta Hadisumarta OCarm Bishop of Manokwari-Sorong
since 2003