David Joy (film technician)

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David Joy (born September 4, 1901 in Marshfield , Massachusetts , † March 6, 1995 in Sarasota , Florida ) was an American film technician who was awarded an Oscar for technical merit in 1940 .


Joy worked for the National Carbon Company , the world's largest manufacturer of batteries and flashlights. At the Oscar ceremony in 1940 , he was with Charles Handley an Oscar for technical merit ( Technical Achievement Award ) "for important posts in the joint development of new improved projection process equipment and for improved and more stable high-intensity carbon" ( one for important contributions in cooperative development of new improved Process Projection Equipment: for improved and more stable high-intensity carbons' ).

1939 Joy was one addition to the staff at the filming of the movie Gone with the Wind .



  • Eileen S. Quigley: Motion Picture Almanac. Quigley Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1957, p. 139.

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Individual evidence

  1. David Joy in the US Social Security Death Directory (SSDI), accessed July 25, 2016