David Goldschmidt

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David Goldschmidt

David M. Goldschmidt (born May 21, 1942 in New York City ) is an American mathematician who mainly deals with group theory.

Goldschmidt received his PhD in 1969 from the University of Chicago with John Griggs Thompson ( On the 2-Exponent of a finite group ). He was a professor at the University of California, Berkeley in the 1980s . From 1991 he was director of the Center for Communication Research at Princeton (part of the Institute for Defense Analyzes ).

Goldschmidt developed the amalgam method in the 1970s, which became important in the local structure theory of finite groups in the 1980s. In addition to the theory of finite groups, he also dealt with representation theory and wrote a book on algebraic geometry.

In 1974 he received a research grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation ( Sloan Research Fellowship ). He is a fellow of the American Mathematical Society . His PhD students include Alberto Delgado and Jeffrey Shallit .


  • Algebraic functions and projective curves, Springer 2002
  • Group characters, symmetric functions and the Hecke Algebra, American Mathematical Society 1993
  • with Delgado, Bernd Stellmacher : Groups and Graphs: new results and methods, Birkhäuser 1985
  • Lectures on Character Theory, Publish or Perish 1980

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Calvin Moore Mathematics at Berkeley - a history , AK Peters 2007