Johann Ernst Schubert

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Johann Ernst Schubert, engraving by Johann Christoph Sysang after Johann Anton Tischbein
Johann Ernst Schubert

Johann Ernst Schubert , also: Drusus Pruthenicus Westen (born June 24, 1717 in Elbing , † August 19, 1774 in Greifswald ) was a German Protestant theologian .


The son of pastor Andreas Schubert († 1723) and his wife (NN., Née Frisen, † 1719) became an orphan at an early age . He enjoyed his first training at the high school in his hometown. In 1734 he moved to the University of Jena to study philosophy and theology. He attended the lectures of Georg Erhard Hamberger (1697–1755), Heinrich Koehler (1711–1760), Jesaias Friedrich Weissenborn (1673–1750), Johann Reinhard Rus (1679–1738) and Johann Peter Reusch (1691–1758). In 1737 he moved to the University of Wittenberg , where he - just arrived - did his master's degreeadvanced in philosophy, in the following month acquired the permission to read for the university as Magister Legens and in 1738 was admitted as an adjunct to the philosophical faculty. However, since they wanted to withhold the income from his lectures, he went to Zeitz for six months , where he stayed with the superintendent Christian Friedrich Schulze.

Here, on his advice, he worked out a speech on the resurrection of the dead, with which he won a prize that was exposed in Hamburg. The work first appeared under the pseudonym Drusus Pruthenicus Westen and later under various titles. In 1740 he went back to Jena, where he was adjunct in 1741 and full assessor in the faculty of philosophy in 1743. The Duke Ernst August von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach offered him a position at his court, which he turned down. The Duke then appointed him on April 3, 1745 as assessor at the consistory . In the following year he received a call as superintendent of the Grafschaft Schaumburg -Lippe, Konsistorialrath and first pastor in Stadthagen , which position he took up after his ordination in Zeitz in February 1747. Shortly before, on January 31, 1747 in Zeitz, he married Johanna Friderike (born November 9, 1729 in Naumburg (Saale); † July 25, 1796 in Greifswald). She was the daughter of the aforementioned Christian Friedrich Schulze and his wife Johanna Elisabeth († February 26, 1755), daughter of the pastor at St. Thomas Church in Leipzig Christian Weiß (* October 10, 1671 in Zwickau; † December 10, 1737 in Leipzig ) and his second wife Katharina Regina Bohn († August 3, 1709 in Leipzig). The marriage resulted in nine sons and one daughter.

In Stadthagen he soon got into lively arguments over the confessional, which his predecessor Eberhard David Hauber had considered unnecessary and which Schubert wanted to reintroduce, whereby doubts about his orthodoxy, which had already been raised against him in Jena , emerged. Fortunately, it turned out that he received his doctorate in theology at the University of Helmstedt on March 8, 1748 , and left such a great impression that he was appointed professor of theology there, which position he took up on May 4, 1748. In the following year he became abbot in the Michaelstein monastery and in 1750 director of the theological seminary. Schubert, who himself was a supporter of Christian Wolff's ideas , did not remain unchallenged in Helmstedt either. So he carried out a theological controversy with Ernst August Bertling about the power of the divine word. In 1753, Schröder published a paper in which he formulated the view that man's conversion would not take place through supernatural influence, but rather as a result of sensible insight into the moral and pedagogical content of the Holy Scriptures and a way of life based on it. This constitutes the moving and renewing power of the divine word. Thereupon Bertling met him with a 400-page quarters of writing, in which he took the orthodox standpoint that this force was a supernatural one and defamed him as a heretic.

Schubert felt compelled to reject and correct these allegations in a defense. The dispute ended in mutual quibbles. A personal dispute broke out between Johann Benedikt Carpzov IV and himself in 1754, which became so violent that the reputation of the Helmstedt University was at stake, so that a mediator between the two had to be called in. In addition, in a dispute between the philosophical and theological faculties, he was prohibited from holding lectures of philosophical content. In September 1764 Schubert left the University of Helmstedt and followed a call to a full professorship in theology at the University of Greifswald , where he was at the same time royal Swedish councilor and first pastor at the Marienkirche in Greifswald . Here he worked until his death.


Schubert's numerous German and Latin treatises relate to questions of dogmatics, the history of dogmas and canon law. He was a supporter of Wolffianism , in whose favor he published various dissertations. This trend is also evident in his endeavors to mediate between reason and the Bible, and is already clearly expressed in the titles of numerous treatises which refer to the most varied of subjects as "reasonable and scriptural thoughts". Schubert treated the doctrine of the last things with preference. Here too, for example, he tried to prove the eternity of the hell punishments out of reason. But he wanted to keep philosophical definitions away from the pulpit.


  • Diss. I et II de systemate mundi. Wittenberg 1757
  • Diss. De justitia Dei vindicativa. Wittenberg 1757
  • Veritas religionis christianae method demonstrativa proposita; cum dissertations prooemiali de notitia irregeniti contra Antibarbarum Halensem. Wittenberg 1757
  • Progr. Systema convenientiae. Wittenberg 1738
  • Jus Principis circa sacra, methodo scientifica deliaeatum. Wittenberg 1738
  • Diss. De certitudine actionum futuraram libertali haud inimica. Wittenberg 1739
  • Diss. De vario hominum statu morali. Wittenberg 1759
  • Institutiones metaphysicae. Wittenberg 1739, Volume II. Halle 1761
  • That the future rising from the dead is possible and believable according to reason, but undeniable and certain according to holy scriptures; in a holy speech from Acts. 26, 8. After an invitation issued publicly in the preliminary reports of the third part of the pulpit speeches, Druso Pruthenicuas Westenz in Theophili and Sinceri pulpit speeches Th. 4 also specially printed under the title: Sermon on the possibility, credibility and certainty of the rise of the dead which were first made known in the fourth part of the collection of exquisite pulpit speeches under the name of Druso Pruthenieus West. Also necessary instruction on the morality of sermons of this kind. Jena 1740 (also under the title: Reasonable and Written Thoughts on the Rising of the Dead).
  • Universa Philosophia practica, in usum auditorii ordine scientifico conscripta. Jena and Leipzig 1740
  • Diss. De obligatione plenipotentiarii erga Principem et Rempublicam. Jena 1740, 1742
  • Diss, metaphysica de impossibilitate mundi aeterni. Jena 1741, Editio secunda auctior et emendatior. Jena 1744
  • Diss. De abusu philosophiae in orationibus sacris, ad locum 1 Corinth. 2, 4th Jena 1741
  • Sensible thoughts of the eternity of the infernal punishments. Jena 1741, 1742, 1748
  • Reasonable and written thoughts about eternal life and the condition of souls after death. Jena 1742
  • Historia Philosophiae. Pars great. Jena 1742
  • Reasonable and written thoughts from the Last Judgment. Jena 1742
  • Sensible and written thoughts from the end of the world. Jena 1742, 1742
  • Sensible and written thoughts about the general conversion of the Jews and the millennial kingdom. Jena 1742
  • Can a person escape his fate? A funeral speech. Jena 1742, 1743
  • Logica practica. Jena 1743
  • Reasonable and written thoughts of death. Jena 1743, 1749
  • Diss. De gradibus prohibitis secundum jus naturae. Jena 1743
  • Commentatio philosophica de voluntate Die, contra Wyttenbachium. Jena 1743
  • Instruction on spiritual eloquence. Jena 1743, 1750
  • Holy speeches Jena 1743–1744 2nd part, 2nd edition 1st part Jena 1752
  • Convincing evidence that the Christian religion is the true one; together with a defense against the unbelievers. Jena 1744, 1757
  • Reasonable and written thoughts of justifying a sinner before God. Jena 1744, 1757
  • Causal sermons. Jena 1744, 1757
  • Ecclesiastical speech that premature death is better than a long life if someone seems to be lucky. Jena 1744
  • Funeral speech that a person must set a long and short goal of his life at the same time. Jena 1744
  • Funeral speech from a legal scholar's fear of God. Jena 1744, 1747
  • Reasonable and scriptural thoughts of a sinner's conversion to God. Jena 1745
  • Sermon of the merits of the Triune God for the eternal salvation of sinners. Jena 1745
  • Funeral speech about the purification of the soul after death. Jena 1745
  • Written thoughts on the bliss of those who live outside the visible church. Jena u. Leipzig 1747 ( Ernst Schubert & pg = PP5 # v = onepage & q & f = false digitized )
  • Sensible and written thoughts of the eternity of the infernal punishments. Jena u. Leipzig 1748 ( Ernst Schubert & pg = PP5 # v = onepage & q & f = false digitized )
  • Progr. Demonstratio veritatis resurrectionis Christi, ex fide illius universali. Helmstedt 1748
  • Reasonable and written thoughts of the origin and the first perfection of men. Jena 1748
  • Reasonable and scriptural thoughts from the angels. Jena 1748 ( Ernst Schubert & pg = PP1 # v = onepage & q & f = false digitized )
  • Diss. De confessione private ante usum Sacrae Coenae. Jena 1749
  • Diss. De resistentia peccatoris in conversione sua. Jena 1749
  • Progr. Quo diss. Inaug. duorum Theologiae Doctorum indicit, et simul rationem deificatam ab Edelmanno fictam consutat. Jena 1749
  • Institutiones Theologiae dogmaticae. Jena and Leipzig 1749, Edito secunda auctior. Jena and Leipzig 1753
  • Introductio in Theologiam revelatam. Jena and Leipzig 1749, 2nd edition Jena 1762
  • Program for the inauguration of the Seminarii theologici in Helmstädt. Jena 1750
  • Progr. De resurrectione carnis Christi adversus resurrectionem spiritus a nupero scriptore fictam vindicata. Jena 1750
  • Reasonable and Scriptural Thoughts of the Fall of Man and Original Sin. Jena and Leipzig 1750 ( digitized version )
  • Diss. De rationibus theologicis, quibus electio Julii Pflugii Episcopi Numburgensis, impugnata et propugnata est. Helmstedt 1750
  • Scriptural Thoughts of the Divine Trinity. Jena 1751
  • Consideratio articulorum fidei et dissensus in religiona. Helmstedt 1751
  • Diss. Sistens systematis Pelagini delineattionem. Helmstedt 1751
  • Diss. Sistens doctrinam de peccato orginali, contra Pelagianos errores adsertam. Helmstedt 1751
  • Reasonable and written thoughts from the Savior of the people Jesus Christ. Jena 1752
  • Diss. De poena capitali calumniatorum, ad illustranda verba Christi Math. 5, 22. Helmstedt 1752
  • Diss. De universali infantum ante usum rationisnsuae morientium salute. Helmstedt 1752
  • Diss sistens doctrinam de libero arbitrio, contra Pelagianos errores adsertam. Helmstedt 1752
  • Diss. De virtute verbi divini physica an morali? Helmstedt 1752
  • Examination of the scriptures on the law of a converted Jew about his children born in Judaism. . . 1753
  • Diss de influxu officiorum naturalium erga Deum et animam in opus conversionis. Helmstedt 1753
  • Diss. Sistens errores Pelagianos in doctrina de libero arbitrio ante Reformationis tempora. Helmstedt 1753
  • Progr. De resurrectione Christi demonstrata ex generatione filii Actor. 12, 32, 33, Helmstedt 1754
  • Progr. De Spiritu sancto non concurrente ad opus conversionis, sed illud unice operante. Helmstedt 1754
  • Collection of some sermons. Jena 1754
  • Reasonable and Scriptural Thoughts of Grace Choice. Jena 1754
  • Reasonable and written thoughts of the call for grace. Jena 1755
  • Institutionum Theologiae polemicae Pars I-IV. Jena 1755-1760
  • Concerns about pajonism. Jena and Leipzig 1755, Danzig 1756
  • Diss. De nexu verae pietatis cum puritate doctrinae, ad illustrandum locum Ephes. 2, 10, et ad renovandam pacis religionae memoriam secularem. Helmstedt 1756
  • Conclusions against the papacy. Jena 1756
  • Diss. De modo agendi cum iis, qui fidem non sentiunt. Helmstedt 1757
  • Prog. De naturalismo Romanae Ecclesiae. Helmstedt 1757
  • Compendium Theologiae dogmaticae. Hall 1760
  • Diss. De fide miraculosa. Helmstedt 1760
  • Progr. De historia Ecclesiae Christi quinquagesimali. Helmstedt 1760
  • Thoughts of the Sacraments. Hall 1761
  • Lessons in religion for the youth. Helmstedt, 1762, 1764
  • Thoughts on the sources of godliness according to the doctrinal concept ... Helmstedt 1762 (96)
  • Thoughts of the episcopal rights of the national authorities. Hall 176?
  • Thoughts of the freedom of the human soul. Hall 1763
  • Thoughts on the predestination of the Jews. Hall 1763
  • Commentatio historico-theologica de jurisdictione Pontificis Romani in terris Principum Romano-Catholioerum. Helmstedt and Halle 1764
  • The immortality of the soul; a missive. Greifswald 1765
  • Diss. De primo principio Theologiae Socinianae. Greifswald 1765
  • Progr. De Spiritus S. divinitate. Greifswald 1765
  • Progr. De Hierarchia coelesti. Greifswald 1765
  • Progr. Historia controversiae de Maria Deipara. Greifswald 1765
  • Holy speeches in extraordinary cases. Greifswald and Halle 1765
  • Of the characteristics of an academic teacher, a Pra ???. Greifswald 1766
  • Progr. De influxu resurrectionis Christi in nostram salutem. Greifswald 1766
  • Diss. De vera idea remissionis peccatorum. Greifswald 1766
  • Diss de inconstantia Vigilii, Pontificis Romani. Greifswald 1766
  • Progr. Spiritus Sanctus profunditates divinitatis scrutans. Greifswald 1766
  • Diss. De scientia modi redemtionis nostrae omnibus ad ???? Greifswald 1767
  • Elementa Logices. Greifswald 1767
  • Diss. De justitia belli Cananaeis a Josua illati. Greifswald 1767
  • Diss. De Decreto Constantiensis Concilii adversus Archori ????. Greifswald 1767
  • Progr. Num Dissidentes in Polonia sint haeretici? Greifswald 176?
  • Progr. De signis motuum spiritualium in cordibus infideliem. Greifswald 1767?
  • Progr. De judicio Jo. Calvini et Tigurinorum in causa stancaristica. Greifswald 1768?
  • D. Jo. Pauli Hebenstreit, Theologi quondam Jenensis celeberrimi, Systema theologicum; revidit et observationibus auxit. Jena 1768
  • Progr. De terena fecilitate merito Christi comparata. Greifswald 1768
  • Diss. Der vera er unica ratione momenta doctrinarum theologicarum ponderaudi. Greifswald 1768
  • Progr. Vindiciae activae Christi obedientiae. Greifswald 1769
  • History of the Roman Pope Vigilius, together with some observations about the Popes, councils and formulas of faith. Hall 1769
  • Progr. De inauguratione Christi per baptismum Johannis. Greifswald 1770
  • Sunday and feast day sermons on the Gospels. Hall 1770–1771, 2nd parts
  • Progr. Salus eorum, qui mediis gratiae carent. Greifswald 1771
  • Diss. De rebus Caroli Magni apud Romanos gestis. Greifswald 1771 (German under the title: Historical-theological treatise on the deeds of Carl the Great among the Romans, translated from Latin and accompanied with annotations by M. J Buchholz, the godly scholarship Beflissenen. Leipzig 1789)
  • Sweden's salvation, a solemn speech. Greifswald 1773
  • Reflections on the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. Hall 1773 2nd parts
  • Treatise on the Holy Scriptures and their Canon. Hall 1774

See also


Individual evidence

  1. * October 8, 1690 in Güldengossa, father Friedrich Schulze Rev. Güldengossa, mother Maria Elisabeth Seiffert, 1702 Wurzen School, Nikolaischule Leipzig, WS 1706 Uni. Leipzig, December 10, 1707 Bacc. phil. Ibid., December 6, 1709 Mag. Phil. ibid., 1715 Noon Preacher St. Paul Leipzig, August 21, 1716, Bacc. theol. University. Leipzig, 1719 pastor in Audigast in the Pegau inspection, 1723 pastor St. Wenzel Naumburg, 1731 senior pastor St. Nikolai in Zeitz and 1735 castle preacher there. , February 20 Lic. Theol. University. Wittenberg, February 3, 1736 Stiftsuperintendent Zeitz, July 6, 1739 Dr. theol. University. (PfbKpS, vol. 8, p. 107)
  2. Cf. Andres Straßberger: Between Sermon Reform and Religious Apologetics: on the conception and implementation of a homiletic price assignment from 1739. In: Christianity in transition: new studies on church and religion in the Enlightenment period / ed. by A. Beutel u. a. Leipzig 2006, pp. 51-70.
  3. ^ Archives for family research and all related areas, Volume 49, Issue 89 -Band 50, Issue 96 p. 193
  4. Discussion of the issue of the divine power of the holy scriptures. Without a year without a place.
  5. Thoughts on the Truth of the Christian Religion. Johann Adman Melichor's widow, Leipzig and Jena. 1756 ( digitized version ).

Web links

Commons : Johann Ernst Schubert  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Peter Ahlwardt Rector of the University of Greifswald
Siegfried Caeso of Aeminga