Deiotaros Philadelphos

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Deiotaros Philadelphos († around 5 BC ) was king of the inland Paphlagonia .


Deiotaros Philadelphos, the son of Castor and great-grandson of the Galatian tetrarch Deiotaros , was the last, probably 36 BC. With the approval of the triumvir Mark Antony , King (Inner) Paphlagonia came to power. The valley of the river Amnias (today's Gökırmak ) and the east adjoining Phazemonitis belonged to his dominion .

On the reverse of a coin of Deiotaros Philadelphos is a woman named Adobogiona , titled Queen , who according to one theory was his mother, according to another his sister and wife. Furthermore, one of his other coins shows the representation of a king of the same name Deiotaros with the surname Philopator (= "the father-lover"), who according to one interpretation was his son, whom he made co-regent in his later life, but survived. According to another opinion, Deiotaros Philopator was a brother of Deiotaros Philadelphos.

32 BC BC Deiotaros Philadelphos was one of the client rulers who were dependent on Antonius and who accompanied the triumvirs to his decisive armed conflict with Octavian, the later emperor Augustus , to Asia Minor and Greece. When in the course of the year 31 BC The military situation of Antony at Actium deteriorated more and more and he tried to cut off his opponent Octavian from the water supply, attacked and defeated Marcus Titius and Titus Statilius Taurus Antonius' cavalry. On this occasion Deiotaros went over to Octavian.

Nothing else is known about Deiotaros' life. From inscriptions and coins it appears that he was around 5 BC. BC died, after which his country was incorporated into the province of Galatia by Emperor Augustus .


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  1. Strabon , Geographika 12, 3, 41, p. 562; to Christian Marek , history of Asia Minor in ancient times , CH Beck, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-406-59853-1 , S. 384th
  2. ^ A b So Arthur Rosenberg : Deiotaros 4th In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswwissenschaft (RE). Supplement III, Stuttgart 1918, col. 328.
  3. a b Deiotaros Philadelphos at Amici Populi Romani . ( Memento of the original from September 6, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Plutarch , Antonius 61, 2.
  5. Cassius Dio , Römische Geschichte 50, 13, 5; Plutarch, Antonius 63, 5; on this Michael Grant , Kleopatra , 1972 and 1974, German Bergisch Gladbach 1998, ISBN 3-404-61416-X , p. 284 with note 13 and Helmut Halfmann , Marcus Antonius , Darmstadt 2011, ISBN 978-3-534-21727 -4 , pp. 205f.
  6. Christian Marek, history of Asia Minor in ancient times , S. 405th