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Dekmanca (German: Deckmannsdorf) is a village and part of the municipality of Bistrica ob Sotli in Slovenia . It is located in the historical region of Lower Styria on the Croatian border.

Deckmannsdorf / Dekmanca with surroundings. (Josephine land survey 1784–1787)


The urban area covers an area of 259 hectares , bordering the vilage Srebrnik the east, Križan Vrh in the south and to the to the neighboring community of Podčetrtek belonging Lastnič in the northwest. In the northeast, the village hall touches the Sotla River , which marks the Slovenian-Croatian border here. Dekmanca is traversed in the northeastern area of ​​its district by the main road 219, an ancient trade route that connects the two Lower Styrian towns of Brežice / Rann and Slovenska Bistrica / Windischfeistritz.


The place is first mentioned in a document on May 12, 1351: "... newn huben ze Dyetmarstorff located, there on two huben siczet suppan Janes ...". In 1404 it is mentioned: "... eight lifts to Dyetmarstorff, ain muol vnd drey hofstet ...", and 1436: "... eight lifts to Dietmansdorff bey der Zatel ...". In the land register of the Königsberg lordship from 1566, the settlement “Dietmansdorff” is named and the following are listed as tenants: “Michl Suppan, Martin Suppan, Wlaß, Urban Soritsch, Mathia (and) Mathia Soritsch” .

The settlement is also mentioned in the Josephine land survey (1784–1787): “Dietmansdorff… The houses stand on a few hills from which the road and fields up to the Szotla stream are covered,… Here the road goes by, is 2 cl. Wide , and good at all times; the other side paths are 4 to 6 shoe wide, full of holes, and when the rain continues, the weather is boggy because of the sloping ground, therefore bad at all times ... " .


  • Atlas Slovenije, 109 maps 1: 50,000, Ljubljana 1985.
  • Marjan Krušič et al., Slovenia, travel guide , Ljubljana, 1999.
  • Pavle Blaznik, Historična Topografija Slovenije II, Slovenska Štajerska in jugoslovanski del Koroške do leta 1500, two volumes, Maribor 1986 and 1988.
  • Ignaz Orožen , The Bishopric and Diocese of Lavant , VI. Theil, the dean's office in Drachenburg. Marburg, 1887.

Web links

Commons : Dekmanca  - collection of images, videos and audio files