Demographic strategy

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A demographic strategy is the political attempt to control the demographic development of the population based on a perceived problem. The strategy can include many factors, such as medical care, educational and care facilities, and monetary incentives.

Levels of impact

EU demographic strategy

In 2006 the European Commission proposed five strategic measures to "meet the challenges of demographic change":

  • Support for demographic renewal through better conditions for families and the compatibility of work and family
  • Promotion of employment - more jobs and a longer working life with a high quality of life
  • Increasing productivity and economic performance through investments in education and research
  • Reception and integration of migrants in Europe
  • Ensure sustainable public finances for adequate pensions, medical care and long-term care

Germany, demographic strategy (2015/2016)

The demographic strategy of the German federal government of September 2015 names four starting points of central importance:

  • To secure economic growth and prosperity in the long term so that future generations can also share in prosperity.
  • To promote social cohesion, because resilient social relationships - in the family, the neighborhood, through to society and the world of work - are indispensable.
  • To support equal living and working conditions in all regions and to ensure a high quality of life in town and country.
  • To maintain the state's ability to act, to guarantee reliable social security systems and to keep the public service attractive.

In its “further developed demographic strategy” from 2015, the federal government names partners with whom it would like to work in more depth in ten working groups.

  • "Good partnerships for strong families" (18 members),
  • "Young people shape the future" (20 members),
  • "Motivated, qualified and healthy work" (20 members),
  • "Independent living in old age" (27 members),
  • "Alliance for people with dementia" (23 members, e.g. German Medical Association),
  • "Strengthening regions in the face of demographic change - promoting quality of life in urban and rural areas" (11 members),
  • "Mobilizing all potential to secure the skilled labor base" (11 members),
  • "Develop foreign labor potential and create a welcoming culture" (14 members, e.g. Federal Employment Agency),
  • “Promote educational biographies” (11 members, e.g. University Rectors' Conference) and
  • "The public service as an attractive and modern employer" (3 members).

Criticism: strong focus on economic growth

In the demographic strategy of the German federal government of 2015, there is a strong focus on economic growth, including intensive recommendations on careers, without mentioning family or children in the adjacent text.

Statements from the German economy

The Federal Association of Public Banks in Germany (VÖB) has published several documents to analyze demographic development in Germany in the form of B. so-called position papers or regarding real estate analyzes. These documents contain statistical figures and graphics for Germany, including the regional distribution of selected demographic and economic data.

In March 2006, the demographic situation in Germany is described as follows:

  • "Persistently low birth rates and insufficient 'economic' immigration gains shape the picture"
  • "Some regions are already facing social and economic problems."
  • "Children stand for the future viability of our society."
  • "Recognition is an indispensable prerequisite for raising children".
  • It is also emphasized that the 16 development banks at the state level take on “additional regulatory functions in areas that the market does not sufficiently cover”.

In the document VÖB positions on 10 key issues for the 2009 Bundestag elections, it is predicted: “Population decline and aging will ... lead to very unequal developments in the regions. As demographic change is already irreversible, long-term and effective is funding strategy requires that cushion the demographically induced developments, balance and can control. "Further analysis of the relationship between economics and demographics was from, German Bank Research '2013 in the form of drafting "Medium-sized companies and demography" created. The risk of a shortage of young talent is mentioned here: “Crisis in the euro area and demographics cloud prospects on European sales markets” (page 8). The influx of skilled workers to Germany is suggested as a possible solution scenario: For example, “... talent search abroad is a good idea. Many young people from southern European countries are currently looking for employment in Germany. This has led to increased immigration from these countries. "

In December 2015, the chief economist of Deutsche Bank, David Folkerts-Landau , gave the demographic prognosis in connection with the refugee crisis that he would “see 'no solution' for the aging of German society without immigration”.


South Tyrol (2017), Italy

The autonomous province of Bolzano - South Tyrol bears the name "Culla d'Italia", the cradle of Italy, according to the source, a sign of life in times of decline. A bundle of family policy measures are combined in the 'Bozen Model'. A bonus system for companies has been introduced for family policy measures in companies, e.g. B. for 'a voluntary increase in the state-prescribed maternity contribution', or regarding the use of part-time work. Furthermore, the particularly active 'Association for Children's Playgrounds and Recreation (VKE)' chooses the most child-friendly community in the South Tyrol region. Among other things, areas the size of 60 football fields were made available as children's playgrounds for the city of Bolzano with around 100,000 inhabitants. The South Tyrolean Family Minister Waltraud Deeg sums it up as follows: "Everything starts from below", "Only then can politics do its part."

Saxony (2018), Germany

Because of the 'sharp drop in the birth rate', Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer would like 'greater immigration of Eastern Europeans to his state'. The Free State of Saxony “very urgently” needs more immigrants. He continues: 'Without immigration we can hardly sustain the economic boom.'


Bielefeld's municipal demographic strategy

In 2004, the city ​​of Bielefeld was the first federal German municipality to set up a demographic development planning department in the mayor's department so that population development is taken into account in all urban planning. The demography officer Susanne Tatje received for her concept Demographic Change as an Opportunity? - The Bielefeld Concept 2006 the innovation award of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. This concept was passed unanimously in the council of the city of Bielefeld in August 2006 and includes a. six demographic policy goals for Bielefeld on the topics of integration of immigrants, education, family policy, housing, health and economy. In addition, a procedure is presented how these goals can be processed in administration and politics. The city of Bielefeld published demographic reports in 2008, 2014 and 2016. The Office for Demography and Statistics in Bielefeld was dissolved on March 31, 2017 . Its tasks have been transferred to other municipal departments.

The Bielefeld demographic stamp also achieved a high level of awareness . This is a handout for the departments with concrete assistance for their planning. In the 2013 Science Year, which the Federal Ministry of Education and Research had proclaimed, the demographic stamp became an object of a traveling exhibition of the Leibniz Association on demographic change. A study published by Susanne Tatje in 2016 takes a critical look at the "position of demography officers in North Rhine-Westphalia".

Montereau municipality (2019), France

“A village without children is a dying village,” argues Mayor Jean Debouzy of the municipality of Montereau in the Loiret department south of Paris. Public schools are threatened with closure due to fewer children. The local mayor suggests an unusual measure: distributing Viagra to couples. However, it remains to be seen whether the concept with the distribution of the prescription drug can be implemented; u. a. the approval of the local council is still required.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. European Commission: Demographic Analysis (short summary of five strategies for coping with the challenges of demographic change, html). Without an article date in the article text (from around 2013), accessed on July 4, 2016 .
  2. a b, June 20, 2016: (Further developed) demographic strategy of the (German) Federal Government of September 2, 2015,, html , accessed on January 29, 2017.
  3. a b Further developed demographic strategy of the (German) Federal Government (September 2, 2015),, html , accessed on March 3, 2019.
  4. The further developed demographic strategy (of the German federal government, 2015), a summary .
  5. Demographic strategy of the German federal government (2015), working group: “Good partnerships for strong families” , accessed on March 3, 2019.
  6. Demographic Strategy of the German Federal Government (2015), list of members: “Good partnerships for strong families” , accessed on March 3, 2019.
  7. Demographic strategy of the German federal government (2015), working group: “Youth shapes the future” , accessed on March 3, 2019.
  8. Demographic Strategy of the German Federal Government (2015), list of members: “Youth shapes the future” , accessed on March 3, 2019.
  9. Demographic strategy of the German federal government (2015), list of members: "Motivated, qualified and healthy work"
  10. Demographic strategy of the German federal government (2015), working group: "Self-determined life in old age"
  11. Demographic strategy of the German federal government (2015), list of members: "Self-determined life in old age"
  12. Demographic strategy of the German federal government (2015), working group: "Alliance for people with dementia"
  13. Demographic strategy of the German federal government (2015), list of members: "Alliance for people with dementia"
  14. a b c d e Demographic Strategy of the Federal Government (2015), The working group process, overview of other working groups and lists of members
  15. a b c Federal Association of Public Banks in Germany VÖB , March 1, 2006: Demography is the present - development banks are responsible ( memento of the original from January 30, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (pdf; 731 kB; 20 pages), accessed on May 9, 2016. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  16. Federal Association of Public Banks in Germany, August 1, 2006: Demographic Atlas Germany - Effects of Demographic Change on Economy, Finance and Real Estate Market Summary (html) VÖB: Demographic Atlas Germany (pdf; 6.8 MB; 36 pages),, accessed on 3rd March 2019.
  17. a b Federal Association of Public Banks in Germany, September 2006: Summary (html) ( Memento of the original from July 29, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. VÖB Real Estate Analysis ( Memento of the original from July 14, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , (pdf; 1.6 MB; 112 pages), accessed on July 12, 2016. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  18. Federal Association of Public Banks in Germany, March 2007: Summary of September 20, 2007 (html) ( Memento of the original of July 29, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Impact of population development on banks and the economy ( memento of the original from July 11, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (pdf; 2.7 MB; 128 pages), accessed July 10, 2016. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  19. a b Federal Association of Public Banks in Germany, June 24, 2009: Summary (html) ( Memento of the original from July 29, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Bundestag election 2009 - VÖB positions on 10 key topics ( Memento of the original from July 14, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (pdf; 182 kB; 28 pages, 16 of them with content), accessed on July 12, 2016. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  20. Deutsche Bank Research, March 25, 2013: Mittelstand und Demographie - The pressure to act is increasing (pdf; 481 kB; 24 pages), accessed on June 17, 2016.
  21. One million refugees in Germany is the best thing that happened in 2015 ,, December 14, 2016, accessed on July 13, 2016.
  22. Refugees are good for Germany. on:, December 9, 2016, accessed July 13, 2016.
  23. ^ A b Marc Zollinger: In the north they know how to make children. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung. August 25, 2017, p. 52.
  24. Saxony's Prime Minister wants more immigrants from Eastern Europe. ,, June 2, 2018, accessed on June 3, 2018.
  25. ^ Claus Christian Malzahn, Thomas Vitzthum: Immigration: Kretschmer wants to recruit Poland. In: Welt am Sonntag. No. 22, June 3, 2018. Short summary on the front page at the bottom left, as well as a full-page article on p. 4, including on immigration, p. 4 at the bottom right.
  26. Mira Gajevic, Kerstin Krupp: Aging Cities - Why do you need demography officers ? The first and only post of this kind is in Bielefeld. In: Berliner Zeitung. March 9, 2006.
  27. Susanne Tatje: Demographic change as an opportunity? - The Bielefeld Concept (pdf; 818 kB; 30 pages). (PDF) City of Bielefeld, accessed on May 14, 2016 .
  28. ^ City of Bielefeld (Ed.): Demography Report 2008 , Demography Report 2014 , Demography Report 2016 (PDF).
  29. See note under Press Office / Statistics Office on, accessed on August 14, 2017.
  30. Susanne Tatje: Bielefeld demographic stamp - Demography-relevant aspects for planning concepts and projects. (PDF; 716 kB), accessed on May 14, 2016 .
  31. ^ Susanne Tatje: Demography officer in cities and municipalities. Results of an investigation. (PDF) In: Our Topic. No. 5, May 2016.
  32. THE LOCAL (fr), May 20, 2019: French mayor hands out free Viagra to encourage procreation among villagers , In: (English), accessed December 1, 2019.
  33., May 22, 2019: In the French community / young talent crisis: Mayor wants to distribute Viagra to couples free of charge , accessed on December 1, 2019.