Denis Serre

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Denis Serre, 2017

Denis Serre (born November 1, 1954 in Nancy ) is a French mathematician who deals with partial differential equations .

Serre, the nephew of Jean-Pierre Serre , studied from 1974 to 1978 at the École normal supérieure and received his doctorate in 1978 (Doctorat de Troisieme Cycle) (Sur une equation quasilineaire elliptique d ordre 2) and 1982 (Doctorat des Sciences) at the University of Paris. South in Orsay with Roger Temam . From 1978 he was Attaché de Recherche of the CNRS and in 1982/83 Chargé de Recherche. From 1983 he was a professor at the University of Saint-Étienne and from 1987 at the École normal supérieure de Lyon . From 1992 to 1997 he was a junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France. He is a fellow of the American Mathematical Society.

Serre is particularly concerned with partial differential equations of hydrodynamics and conservation laws.

He is co-editor of the Fundamentals of Mathematical Sciences .


  • Editor with Susan Friedlander: Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics , North Holland / Elsevier, 4 volumes, 2007
  • Matrices , Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer Verlag, 2nd edition 2010
  • Systems of conservation laws- a challenge for the 21st century , in Engquist, Schmid (editor) Mathematics unlimited , Springer 2001

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Denis Serre, homepage
  2. Denis Serre in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / name used