Deo vero laus et honor ...

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Deo vero laus et honor ... ( God be praise and glory ... ) is the incipit of an epic poem that precedes the third book of the Chronicle of Gallus Anonymus , written in Middle Latin , and the wars of Bolesław III. Crooked mouth praise.


Like the two other introductory poems of the first and second books ( Bolezlauus dux inclitus ... and Nobis astate, nobis hoc opus recitate ... ) the poem is referred to as an epilogus 'short version'. Unlike the other two epilogues, this is an actual summary of the following third book of the Chronicle.

With its 60 verses it is the longest of the three introductory poems and is strictly in three parts. The 60 verses are divided into 20 stanzas, each comprising three verses. Each stanza has the same ending rhyme . Each verse consists of 15 syllables with the same accent scheme, with a caesura after the eighth syllable . The verse is thus similar to the poem Nobis astate, nobis hoc opus recitate ...


In the first two stanzas God is praised, to whom the victories of the Polish duke are owed. Linguistically, these stanzas are closely related to the processional hymn Gloria, laus et honor by Theodulf von Orléans and have other quotations and allusions to the Bible and other poems.

In the following 17 stanzas the victorious days of Bolesław III are panegyric . Wrymouth narrated chronologically : the siege of Nakło during the fighting against the Pomorans and the victory thanks to the assistance of St. Adalbert (verse 3–12), the conflicts with the German emperor Heinrich V , which changed into friendly relations through God's influence (Verse 13-16) and finally the devastating victories over the Czechs (Verse 17-19).

In the last stanza the conflict between Bolesław III. Schiefmund and his brother Zbigniew alluded to ("Que noverunt, que senserunt carceres et vincula,"), but the outrage at the time, which forced the ruler to make pilgrimages, is concealed. Instead, reference is again made to the aim of the work: the praise of the acts of rule.


  • Kazimierz Liman (ed.): Antologia poezji łacińskiej w Polsce . Średniowiecze. Wydawnictwo UAM, Posen 2004, p. 256-258 .
  • Karol Maleczyński (Ed.): Galli Anonymi cronicae et gesta ducum sive principum Polonorum (=  Monumenta Poloniae Historica. Nova Series . Volume II ). Polska Akademia Umiejętności, Krakau 1952, p. 4-6 .


  • Teresa Michałowska: Średniowiecze (=  Wielka Historia Literatury Polskiej . Volume 1 ). Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warsaw 2002, ISBN 978-83-01-12851-7 , p. 123-124 (first edition: 1995).
  • Teresa Michałowska: Deo vero laus et honor…, Anonim Gall . In: Literatura Polskiego Średniowiecza . Leksykon. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warsaw 2011, ISBN 978-83-01-16675-5 , p. 180 .

Individual evidence

  1. Josef Bujnoch (ed.): Poland's beginnings . Gallus Anonymus: Chronicles and Deeds of the Dukes and Princes of Poland. Verlag Styria, Graz et al. 1978, ISBN 3-222-10554-5 , p. 164 .