The Riobamba sparked call

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Original title The Riobamba sparked call
Country of production Germany
Publishing year 1920
length 5 acts, 1870, after cuts 1857 meters, at 18 fps 90 minutes
Director Adolf Gärtner
production Kassandra film Berlin
camera Charles Paulus

The Riobamba spark is the title of a crime drama that Adolf Gärtner realized as a silent film in 1920 for Kassandra-Film (formerly Societäts-Film), Berlin . In this episode from the " Joe Jenkins " series, Kurt Brenkendorf played the energetic detective.


Joe Jenkins fights against a gang of unscrupulous girl traffickers on the steamer from which the title is based, on whose board "indecent slide dances" are held. Her boss is Count Coveland, a "ragged aristocrat who knows how to cast a spell over women through suggestion and hypnosis".


The film, a Kassandra-Film Berlin production, was photographed by Charles Paulus . The film buildings were created by the architect Barlitza . It was submitted to the Berlin censorship authority for examination on July 28, 1920 and received a youth ban, which was confirmed on July 30, 1920 under the number B.00128 by the supervisory authority - despite voluntary cuts in the 5th act. The premiere took place in Berlin in 1920 in the Berlin Sports Palace, which was also used as a movie theater and in 1919 was touted as the “largest cinema in the world”.


Funkenruf is an outdated expression for "radio message, wireless message", as it was still in use during the First World War . The transmission equipment prior to the invention of the radio tube actually produced visible and audible sparks.


  • Käthe Dräger (ed.): Yearbook of Psychoanalysis: Contributions to theory, practice and history. Volume 39, Verlag Frommann-Holzboog, 1997, pp. 56, 272.
  • Sebastian Hesse: Camera eye and nose: the detective in early German cinema. Verlag Stroemfeld-Roter Stern, 2003, p. 287.
  • Alfred Krautz, Hille Krautz, Joris Krautz: Encyclopedia of film directors in the United States of America and Europe. Volume 2, Verlag Saur, Munich 1997, ISBN 3-598-21502-9 , pp. 83, 287.

Web links


  • Photo by Lu Jürgens on the title page of the "Illustrated Film Week" vol. 8 no. 52 (accessed August 15, 2019).
  • Postcard with Kurt Brenkendorf as a detective in the Gehfurz (in the Joe Jenkins film " The Sleeping Machine "): Photochemie K.2424.

Individual evidence

  1. It takes its name from Riobamba , the capital of the Chimborazo province and the agricultural and commercial center of the highlands of Ecuador .
  2. so the censorship report of July 28, 20
  3. so in Filmspiegel, Volume 0, Verlag Kath. Filmkomm. f. Austria, 1941, p. 135.
  4. Notices of the Berlin Film Inspection Office from 28. u. 07/30/20, (PDF)
  5. cf. Birett, sources on film history 1920–1931: "B00128 Funkenruf der Riobamba, Der 1920"
  6. “Sportpalast-Lichtspiele, the largest cinema in the world” with 3000 seats, Berlin W 57, Potsdamer Str. 72, cf.
  7. Examples: 1. The Güldenkammer: Norddeutsche monatshefte ..., Volume 5. Verlag Hauschild, 1914, p. 123: “The ship 'Jerusalem' was probably also drilled into the ground, as it has not responded to a radio call since Sunday. “2. Deutsch-Amerika, Volume 2. Verlag New Yorker Staats-Zeitung, 1916, p. 35:“ Nine times he sent a certain radio call into the distance. Then he turned a lever so that the station was back on 'Listen' ... ”3. Franz Schulze: Erich Sarnekow the submarine hero. A story from the world war. Verlag epubli, 2017, ISBN 978-3-7450-0165-5 . Here: "The radio call had not gone unheard and had called a submarine of our Austrian allies cruising near the archipelago."
  8. cf. Jonathan Zenneck at