The Yellow River (piano concerto)

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The piano concerto The Yellow River ( Chinese  黃河 鋼琴 協奏曲  /  黄河 钢琴 协奏曲 , Pinyin Huáng Hé gāngqín xiézòuqǔ , English Yellow River Piano Concerto ) is one of the most famous Chinese piano compositions. It is a collective composition by Yin Chengzong and Chu Wanghua , Sheng Lihong and Liu Zhuang from the Central Music Conservatory in Beijing , created during the Chinese Cultural Revolution in 1968/69 , based on the cantata The Yellow River (see main article) by the Chinese composer Xian Xinghai ( 1905–1945) from 1939, with which he wanted to mobilize his people to resist the Japanese occupation (see main article Second Sino-Japanese War ). In the concert, classical European art music will be combined with traditional Chinese folk melodies.

Shortly after his return to China from the Soviet Union, pianist Yin Chengzong was received by the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party and former President Mao Zedong and inspired by him to create more traditional-style music.

The Yellow River ( Huang He ) is still considered by many to be the cradle of Chinese civilization and a symbol of the spirit of the Chinese people, comparable to the Moldau from Smetana's symphonic work Mein Vaterland or the "Father Rhine " known from many German patriotic songs .

In view of the serious historical circumstances, the piano concerto is designed for great expressiveness and drama, alternating with contemplative passages, and partly characterized by great pathos. The brilliant virtuoso solo part often towers above the orchestra, similar to some (late) romantic piano concertos, where the orchestra is relegated to a supporting role:

On the album cover of the Philadelphia Orchestra recording , the eclecticism of the composition and the fact that it is a collective composition ( characteristic of Chinese socialism ) ironically notes that it was written by various composers, including Chopin , Tchaikovsky , Liszt and Rachmaninoff .

As the final apotheosis of the concert, the Chinese hymn of praise to Chairman Mao The East is Red ( Dongfang hong ) becomes The International .

The piano dictates the slogans, the orchestra takes them over with revolutionary enthusiasm. "

Movements of the piano concerto

The four individual movements of the piano concerto are headed (in German translation):

  • 1. Song of the boatmen
  • 2. Ode to the Yellow River
  • 3. Wrath of the Yellow River
  • 4. Defend the Yellow River


The concert is for solo piano and orchestra as follows: piccolo , dizi (Chinese flute), 2 flutes , 2 oboes , 2 clarinets (B-flat), 2 bassoons , 4 horns (F), 2 trumpets (B-flat), 3 trombones , Timpani , triangle , cymbals , harp , pipa and strings .


See also

Web links

References and comments

  1. Chinese names 殷承宗, 盛 礼 洪, 储 望 华, 刘庄
  2. Chinese Zhongyang yinyue xueyuan 中央 音乐 学院
  3. chin. 殷承宗 (aka Yin Chengzhong 殷 诚 忠)
  4. Chinese master pianist Yin Chengzong
  5. Despite numerous Chinese archaeological discoveries elsewhere.
  6. cf. The Rhine in poetry
  7. after The Yellow River Concerto: politics, culture and style
  8. Gomez de Riquet: Forgotten / Little Played Piano Concertos - According to this critic, the concert consists of a “hodgepodge of pianistic bad habits and gestures of strength ” à la Tchaikovsky , Rachmaninov and Gershwin - “together with a portion of musical chinoiserie, the scores at one Hollywood film of the 40s set in China makes you think ”.
  9. Chinese 殷 诚 忠
  10. Chin. Zhongyang yuetuan 中央 乐团
The Yellow River (alternative names of the lemma)
Huang He Gangqin Xiezouqu; 黄河 钢琴 协奏曲; 黃河 鋼琴 協奏曲; Huang He xiezouqu; 黄河 协奏曲; 黃河 協奏曲; Huáng Hé xiézòuqǔ; Yellow River Piano Concerto; Yellow River Piano Concerto; Piano Concerto "Huanghe - Yellow River"; Piano concerto 'The Yellow River'; Huanghe xiezouqu