Heinrich from Hell

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Opera dates
Title: Heinrich from Hell
Shape: Chamber opera
Original language: German
Music: Gernot Schedlberger
Libretto : Kristine Tornquist
Literary source: Leo Perutz : At night under the stone bridge
Premiere: July 10, 2009
Place of premiere: Vienna, siren opera theater in the anchor bread factory

Heinrich aus der Hölle is the fourth chamber opera by the Austrian composer Gernot Schedlberger from 2009. It is Schedlberger's first collaboration with Kristine Tornquist (libretto) and the siren opera theater in Vienna. The story of Heinrich from Hell is part of the novel Nachts taken from the stone bridge by Leo Perutz . It is the fifth of a total of fourteen stories and also bears the title Heinrich from Hell in the novel .


Rudolf II awakes from a nightmare. He had the courtiers Hanniwald, Sternberg and Bubna summoned, but persistently mistook the young cupbearer Bubna for a deceased general and was afraid of him. Only after Bubna prays the paternoster on the orders of the emperor does he calm down. The emperor tells his dream in which he was tempted by the devil. In the form of three animals, the devil prophesied that the secret treasure would escape him and that terrible punishments would come over the country. The confidants advise the emperor on how to respond to the devil's envoy. The Kaiser liked Hanniwald's formulation, he calmed down, recognized Bubna too, and finally went to bed.

The next day the Moroccan ambassador arrives in Prague with a richly appointed retinue and is received at court. But the emperor reacts strangely. He takes the Moroccan ambassador to be Heinrich Twaroch, a former fodder in the imperial stables who stole a coin from him and then disappeared. Rudolf II accuses the ambassador of being Heinrich from Hell. The courtiers are embarrassed. The emperor is not deterred, however, he sees in the messenger the messenger of the devil, who now awaits his answer. So he repeats the words of Hanniwald: "I will not leave the Lord Jesus by a finger." The audience is over.

In the evening the envoy goes to a small hut on the outskirts of Prague, disguised as a craftsman. He tells the old woman in it, his mother, that the emperor had received him and was the only one who recognized him at court - him, the former stable boy Heinrich Twaroch, who had fled from Prague, converted to Islam and who had become diplomatic in the distance Honorable son of a Prague gardener.


Sequence of scenes

  1. Mime: Rudolf's nightmare
  2. Night at the Hradschin, the Prague Castle
  3. Orchestral interlude
  4. The morning in the emperor's bedroom
  5. Orchestra interlude (entry of the Moroccan ambassador and entourage)
  6. The audience of the Moroccan envoy
  7. Orchestral interlude
  8. In the hostel on the outskirts of Prague


Work history

The world premiere took place on July 10, 2009 in the Ankerbrotfabrik Vienna. A follow-up performance followed on July 11th. The two performances were the eighth part of the applied over nine weeks opera premiere project night the siren opera theater in which nine stories from Perutz 'novel night under the stone bridge , have been developed as a chamber operas were selected and weekly thereof brought to the first performance (including a sequence of release) has been.

The musical direction was taken over by Gernot Schedlberger , directed by Kristine Tornquist .


  • Rupert Bergmann (Emperor Rudolf II.)
  • Petr Strnad (Philipp Lang / interpreter)
  • Armin Gramer (Bubna / Heinrich Twaroch)
  • Ingrid Haselberger (Hanniwald)
  • Ingrid Habermann (Sternberg)
  • Apostol Milenkov (Mother Twaroch / dream voice)

Leading team


  • Birgit Böhm (flute)
  • Gregor Narnhofer (clarinet)
  • Mathilde Hoursiangou (keyboard instruments)
  • Shang-Wu Wu (violin / viola)
  • Tomasz Skweres (violoncello)
  • Berndt Thurner (percussion)
  • Balduin Weather (Horn)
  • Stefan Thurner (trombone)

The then Minister for Education, Art and Culture of the Republic of Austria Claudia Schmied took on the patronage of the premiere .

Individual evidence

  1. Critique in "Kulturwoche.at"
  2. Siren Opera Theater (archive)
  3. Siren Opera Theater (archive)