The ring of the musketeers

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Television broadcast
German title The ring of the musketeers
Original title Ring of the Musketeers
Country of production United States
original language English
year 1992
length 45 minutes
Episodes 4th
genre Comedy , crime thriller adventure
idea John Paragon
Joel Zusammenarbeit
music Marcus Barone
First broadcast December 1, 1992 ( Germany ) on RTL

The Ring of the Musketeers is a four-part miniseries from 1992 about the descendants of the Musketeers and their adventures in Los Angeles . The Ring of the Musketeers was conceived as a crime series with adventure elements with a quasi-continuous storyline by John Paragon and Joel Nachbarow . John Paragon also acted as a director.

The television series was produced and made in the United States ; it was co-financed by the German television station RTL . In return, RTL influenced the cast and plot of the series. The first broadcast was on December 1, 1992 and then weekly on RTL. It has not been repeated since then and has not yet been released on DVD or Blu-Ray. The series did not find a distribution in the USA.


The three descendants of the Musketeers , the aristocratic John Smith D'Artagnon, the German teacher Peter Porthos and the radio presenter Anne-Marie Arthos (alias Dr. Love) fight as modern musketeers on motorcycles with the help of their client Maurice Treville against the crime in Los Angeles. Only the fourth ring is missing, but is stolen from a house by the petty crook Burt Aramis in the course of the first episode. When the latter wanted to pawn the ring, however, a pawnbroker recognized it as the fourth ring that Maurice Treville was looking for and referred it to him. Treville makes Aramis the fourth member.

In the course of the series it emerges that the rings are passed on from generation to generation in order to pursue the office of a fighter for justice. One learns that Peter Porthos in the Black Forest got the ring after the accidental death of his father and that Anne-Marie Athos was prepared for her office by her rich father through stories. Harry, Anne-Marie's ex-husband, however, was jealous of this position and tried to become a musketeer himself in the course of their short relationship, which however did not succeed because the ring had to be awarded. For this reason Harry founds his own musketeers who, in contrast to the musketeers presented in the show, commit crimes and rob banks. In the end, however, these can be asked.


A soundtrack for the series has been released, which includes two songs by David Hasselhoff and also pieces by Thomas Anders .

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