The Snob (1986)

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Original title The snob
Country of production GDR
original language German
Publishing year 1986
length 105 minutes
Director Horst Drinda
production Television of the GDR
music Reiner Bredemeyer
camera Gerhard Gitschier
Angelika Katzer
Wolfgang Lücke
Rolf-Dieter Graf
cut Martina lame

Der Snob is a studio recording made by East German television in 1986 of a production by Horst Drinda based on the comedy Der Snob by Carl Sternheim from 1914.



The first broadcast took place on January 29, 1986 in the first program of the television of the GDR in color.

The dramaturgy was in the hands of Detlef Espey and Margot Thyrêt was responsible for the picture direction .


“Sternheim's comedy 'Der Snob', made in 1913, proves itself in Horst Drinda's stimulating staging (camera: Gerhard Gitschier) as a brilliant, bitter satire on the social situation at the time of the author. There is an unobtrusive relationship to later, current practices of interweaving industrial capital and political power. "

"Here Drinda managed a balanced directing performance."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ursula Meves in Neues Deutschland from January 31, 1986, p. 6.
  2. Angelika Rätzke in the Berliner Zeitung of February 7, 1986, p. 7.