The special day: drop dreams

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Episode in the series The Special Day
Original title Drop dreams
Country of production GDR
original language German
DEFA on behalf of
East German television
length 15 minutes
classification Episode broadcast in the peep box cinema
First broadcast November 11, 1976 on television of the GDR
Director Ernst Cantzler
script Ernst Cantzler
Holmar Attila Mück
music Reinhard Lakomy
camera Jochen Denzler
cut Jutta Schendzielorz

Tropfenträume is a film for preschool children made by DEFA-Studio for Documentary Films from the series The Special Day of Television in the GDR by Ernst Cantzler from 1976.


Seven children run from different corners of Meissen in the pouring rain to the studio of the sculptor and graphic artist Lothar Sell . Here they meet with him regularly to create something together and learn from his artistic work. The first thing they talk about is what they want to make today and because of the weather they get the idea to carve a raindrop. Together they discuss the shape of the drop and its color appearance. Before the children start carving, they run through the rainy city singing a song.

Back in the studio, Lothar Sell gives each child the rough shape of a drop that needs to be refined . They get to work with knives and sandpaper and each individual thinks up a story like his raindrops find their way out of the Clouds found him. Now good-looking drops are made from the previous raw pieces of wood, because they only get their beautiful appearance through painting and everyone has their own ideas. With the finished drops, the children now go to a stream, let them swim and tell a story for each one of where they will swim and what experiences will await them at their destination.

Production and publication

Drop Dreams was filmed as a result of the film series The Special Day on ORWO-Color and was broadcast for the first time on November 11, 1976 in the peep-box cinema of the first program on East German television.

The first demonstrable performances on a big screen took place during the VIII Children's Summer Film Festival in the GDR from July 7 to July 20, 1978.

The lyrics are from Fred Gertz .

Individual evidence

  1. Neues Deutschland from July 5, 1978, p. 5