Derrick: Forest path

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Episode of the Derrick series
Original title Forest path
Derrick 01 Waldweg 001.svg
Country of production Germany , Austria , Switzerland
original language German
length 59 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
classification Episode 1 ( list )
First broadcast 20th October 1974
Director Dietrich Haugk
script Herbert Reinecker
production Helmut Ringelmann
music Les Humphries ,
Peter Thomas
camera Manfred Ensinger ,
Jürgen Schoenemann
cut Werner Preuss
Guest appearance (s)

Successor  →

Waldweg is the premiere episode of the crime series Derrick . It was first broadcast on October 20, 1974.


When Ellen Theiss, a student at a household school , arrives on the S-Bahn from Munich after going to the cinema , she discovers that her bicycle has a flat tire. Without hesitation, she takes a “shortcut” across the dark forest, where she meets the murderer, her teacher Manger. He lures her into his house on the pretext of lending her an air pump, where she is eventually killed.

Mangers elderly mother that everything mitbekam in the next room, but the girl could not help accused in a conversation with Chief Inspector Derrick budgetary pupils sexual freedom of movement that would "challenge almost" such a fate. Derrick pricks up his ears. Meanwhile, Inspector Klein takes on a teacher who often went to “bathe” with the schoolgirls and made very suggestive, but also benevolent, comments about them. This trace, as well as the initial suspicion against the kiosk owner at the train station , fizzled out.

With the help of Ellen's classmate Inge, Derrick succeeds in setting a trap for the perpetrator : One evening, Manger takes Inge, the “decoy”, into his house. So when he wants to carry out another murder, but his mother does not again - unlike Ellen and a previous murder - pounding screaming on the previously locked room door, he opens it and stands face to face with Chief Inspector Derrick.


The perpetrator is (as usual in the first season with Derrick) known to the viewer from the start. The episode was shot fourth, but it was the first to be broadcast.

Cut versions

For some time now, the murder scene has only been broadcast in a shortened, clearly defused version in German-speaking countries, which is also included in Collector's Box 1 , which was released in 2008 . In contrast, the scene was shown in full on French television on France 3 .

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