Detlef Schubert

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Detlef Schubert (born September 26, 1946 in Crimmitschau ) is a German politician ( CDU ).

Life and work

After attending school, he began training as a radio and television technician in 1961, and in 1966 he took up engineering training in Berlin. He then studied electrical engineering and business administration at the Technical University of Berlin and graduated in 1976 as a graduate engineer. Schubert then worked for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Aachen and the Middle Lower Rhine. From 1997 to 2006 he held the office of councilor for economy and labor of the city of Leipzig . From 2006 to 2011 he was State Secretary in the Ministry of Economics and Labor of Saxony-Anhalt . With the election of Reiner Haseloff as Prime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt, Schubert retired.

Detlef Schubert is married and has three children.

Politics / party

Schubert is a member of the CDU. Since the party convention of the Leipzig Union on October 8, 2011, he was chairman of the Leipzig district association. He prevailed in a voting against the Bundestag member Thomas Feist . Here he was instrumental in putting Horst Wawrzynski through as a candidate for the office of Lord Mayor. After he lost the election, Schubert gave up the office of district chairman on February 17, 2013.

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