Detlef Schwefel

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Detlef Schwefel (born June 21, 1942 in Berlin ) is a German social scientist specializing in health system research and development sociology .

life and work

Detlef Schwefel studied sociology and psychology at the Free University of Berlin from 1963 to 1968 . He received his doctorate in 1973 on social planning in developing countries from the University of Bremen . After his habilitation in 1979 he became an adjunct professor for sociology at the Free University of Berlin in 1986.

Detlef Schwefel began his academic career with social science studies in Ecuador and Chile . After that, he worked scientifically and in an advisory capacity at the German Development Institute (Berlin) from 1970 . There he developed methods for determining the social impact of projects, investments and technologies and for analyzing the health sector in developing countries. His habilitation thesis summarized his research results and linked the topic of basic needs and development policy with social science health research in Germany and Europe.

He devoted himself to this topic from 1976 to 1989 at the Central Institute for Statutory Health Insurance ( Cologne ) and at the Institute for Medical Informatics and Systems Research of the GSF (Society for Radiation Research, later GSF Research Center for Environment and Health, today Helmholtz Center Munich ). There he founded and directed the first European WHO collaboration center for health planning and health economics for the World Health Organization (WHO) . On the basis of his research on health systems, health reports and the relationship between the economy and health, he also advised the Council of Europe on unemployment and health and the European Community on health systems research and conducted international comparative studies for them, e.g. B. on economic aspects of HIV / AIDS.

He then devoted himself to practical health system management and scientific policy advice in Asia and Latin America , especially in the Philippines and Guatemala . Since 2003 he has also been involved in Arab countries, especially Syria and Yemen . He is now particularly interested in the financing of health and social security as well as the relationship between health, globalization and justice .

Detlef Schwefel has taught at the Free University of Berlin, University of the Philippines in Manila , Boston University and the Center for Strategic Health Studies in Damascus . He has been invited to give scientific lectures on his subject in more than 30 countries around the world. For over 18 years of his life he has lived, researched and advised in 36 developing countries so far.


  • Contributions to social planning in developing countries. Social Justice Indicators. Method for analyzing the health sector . Bruno-Hessling-Verlag, Berlin 1972, ISBN 3-7769-0129-2 .
  • Organización de servicios descentralizados de sanidad pública en América Latina . Fundación Alemana para el Desarrollo Internacional, Berlin 1972 (co-editor and main author) (also published in German).
  • Contributions to the socio-economic assessment of investment projects . Publications from the work area of ​​the Reconstruction Loan Corporation No. 16/75, Frankfurt 1975 (also published in English).
  • Basic needs and development policy . (Series of publications by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation). Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden 1978, ISBN 3-7890-0410-3 . (also published in English).
  • Healthcare needs and planning. An international collection of essays . Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag, Cologne 1978, ISBN 3-7691-8002-X . (First publisher and author).
  • Diagnoses in outpatient care. An expert survey in the Federal Republic of Germany . Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag, Cologne 1978, ISBN 3-7691-8017-8 . (Editor and author)
  • From cost containment to effect assessment . In: World Health Forum. Vol. 6 (1), 1985, pp. 17-19 (also in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish).
  • Unemployment, health and health services in German-speaking countries . In: Social Science and Medicine. Vol. 22 (4), 1986, pp. 409-430.
  • The Bayern contract. Evaluation of a cost containment policy in health care . Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1986, ISBN 3-540-17076-6 . (First publisher and author)
  • Telecommunications and Development. For the social and economic evaluation of telecommunications projects in the Third World. Weltforum-Verlag, Cologne 1986, ISBN 3-8039-0330-0 . (also published in English)
  • Remarks on the social meaning of savings of the poor . In: Development. No. 2/3, 1987, pp. 142-144. (First author)
  • Unemployment, social vulnerability, and health in Europe . Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1987, ISBN 3-540-17867-8 . (First publisher and author)
  • Social Effects of Projects in the Third World . Nomos-Verlag, Baden-Baden 1987, ISBN 3-7890-1330-7 (ed. And author).
  • Effects of long-term unemployment on health . Council of Europe, Strasbourg 1987, ISBN 92-871-0997-4 . (First author) (also published in French).
  • Diagnosis structure in outpatient care. Exploratory evaluations . Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1987, ISBN 3-540-16999-7 (co-author)
  • Costs and effects of managing chronic psychotic patients . Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1988, ISBN 3-540-18867-3 . (First publisher and author)
  • The Product Path Analysis. A method of socioeconomic project appraisal . In: Canadian Journal of Development. Vol. 10 (2), 1989, pp. 211-223.
  • Solar cookers in the Third World. Evaluation of the prerequisites, prospects and impacts of an innovative technology . Vieweg Verlag, Braunschweig 1990, ISBN 3-528-02056-3 (co-author) (also published in German).
  • Economic aspects of AIDS and HIV infection . Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1990, ISBN 3-540-52135-6 . (First publisher and author)
  • Establishing a health report. Inventory and concept proposal . Volume I. Asgard Verlag, Sankt Augustin 1990, ISBN 3-537-78701-4 . (Mithrsg. And author)
  • Winners show the way to good management in health care . In: World Health Forum. Vol. 15, Number 4, 1994, pp. 348-352. (Lead author)
  • HAMIS. A health and management information system for the Philippines . HAMIS at the Department of Health; Occasional Papers No. 11, Manila 1995. (first author)
  • Family health management in the Philippines. A household survey on health, health behavior and health expenditure . HAMIS at the Department of Health, Occasional Paper No. 16, Manila 1997. (First ed.)
  • Satisfying basic needs through development policy? Sisyphus and the Grand Inquisitor as developmental models . In: Manfred Schulz (Ed.): Development - Perspektiven der Entwicklungssoziologie. Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1997, pp. 331–355.
  • ¿Cómo curarnos con plantas medicinales? Folleto de atención familiar . Editorial Cholsamaj, Guatemala 2000. (Mithrg.)
  • Health, Development and Globalization. Orientations and recommendations for international cooperation . Joint memorandum: German Society for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), German Society for Tropical Medicine and International Health (DTG), KfW Development Bank, German Society for Public Health (DGPH), German Association for Health Sciences and Public Health (DVGPH), Eschborn 2003. ( also published in English and Spanish) (first author)
  • Towards a national health insurance system in Yemen . Part 1: Background and assessments. Part 2: Options and recommendations. Part 3: Documents and materials. Republic of Yemen, German Development Cooperation, World Health Organization, International Labor Office, World Bank, Sana'a 2005. (Part 1 and 2 also published in Arabic) (lead author)
  • Health as a human right and a productive force. Theses and examples on the contribution of health to development policy in GTZ's technical cooperation . German Society for Technical Cooperation, Eschborn 2005. (First editor and author)
  • Justice and Health . In: Razum, Oliver et alii (ed.): Globalization - Justice - Health. An international comparative introduction to public health. Hans Huber Verlag, Bern 2006, pp. 65–78.
  • Nine case studies on health benefit and insurance schemes, private health care providers and household health expenditure in Syria . Ministry of Health, Health Sector Modernization Program funded by European Union, Damascus 2007. (First edition) (also published in Arabic)
  • National health accounts 2006 for Syria . Ministry of Health, Health Sector Modernization Program funded by European Union, Damascus 2008 (first author) (also published in Arabic).
  • Towards a national health insurance system in Syria. Documents, materials and excerpts from short-term consultancy reports of Detlef Schwefel . 2003–2008, Ministry of Health, Health Sector Modernization Program funded by the European Union, Berlin 2008.
  • A knowledge collage on social health protection in Nepal . Web publication for German Development Cooperation Nepal, Berlin 2009. (Ed.)
  • Federalism and the health system in Nepal . Ministry of Health and Population with German Development Cooperation, Kathmandu 2011.

Web links


  • List of publications with hyperlinks for download [1] (PDF; 254 kB): books, book chapters, articles in specialist and other journals, reports on foreign activities.
  • Directory of activities abroad and their clients [2]
  • CV including reference persons [3] (PDF; 133 kB)
  • Free University of Berlin (2007) [4]
  • Secondary literature and citations (2011) [5]
  • Syria (2011) Website of the Center for Strategic Health Studies in Damascus [6]
  • Syria (2007) Website of the Ministry of Health on advice on modernizing the health system [7]
  • Syria (2003–2007) Website of the Ministry of Health with abstracts of 14 advisory reports on the modernization of the health system [8] (resources, library, R6)
  • Syria (2003) Website of the Ministry of Health with a founding sketch for the Center for Strategic Health Studies [9]
  • Yemen (2005) World Health Organization website on Social Health Insurance Study in English and Arabic [10]
  • EXPO (2000) World Congress Medicine meets Millennium [11]

Individual evidence

  1. Deutsche Welle of November 17, 2009; accessed on August 9, 2011
  2. ^ Forum Health Policy International from September 4, 2007; accessed on August 9, 2011
  3. Kristin Helberg: The practice makes problems taz from October 28, 2009, accessed on September 18, 2018.