Detlef Uhle

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Detlef Uhle (born May 25, 1961 in Karl-Marx-Stadt, today Chemnitz ) is a Berlin- based Kriya Yoga teacher and author of various yoga textbooks.


Detlef Uhle started practicing yoga at the age of 16 , first practicing Hatha yoga , then various yoga disciplines. During a long stay in Italy he met his teacher Paramahamsa Swami Sanakananda Giri in Rome , who was a younger friend of Paramahansa Yogananda and was instructed at the time by the Nobel Prize winner Rabindranath Thakur (Tagore).

The spiritual teacher in the development of Kriya - Meditation of Lahiri Mahasaya of Sanakananda Giri Swami were Kevalananda Giri and Swami Yukteswarananda Giri. Uhle accompanied him on a four-year lecture tour through Europe as his secretary and student, during which hundreds of yoga centers were visited. The teaching objective was the dissemination and teaching of the philosophical, scientific Kriya Yoga meditation, of which Lahiri Mahasaya was the master, as well as the Hatha Yoga .

After the lecture tour, he spent a year and a half in India in his master's yoga center , in Ayodhya , where he continued his intensive training in Kriya meditation and Hatha yoga . After his teacher authorized him to teach the entire step path of Kriya meditation, he opened a yoga school in Berlin , also taught at various adult education centers and gave individual lessons.

After Swami Sanakananda's death , Uhle was appointed honorary president of the Shri Narain Ashram in Ayodhya.

As head of the SMDK Europe (Sanatana Manava Dharma Kendra - translated: oldest community in human history based on Kriya meditation) he is commissioned to supervise and guide the students of Swami Sanakananda.

The title “ Yogi Deenbandhu” bestowed on him by his master means “ friend of the poor who gives them food ”, according to the Vishnu legend.


  • The rororo yoga book for beginners / Yogi Deenbandhu, original edition, 33. – 35. Th., Rowohlt, Reinbek near Hamburg 1991.
  • The rororo yoga book for advanced learners / Yogi Deenbandhu. Original edition, 11-13. Tsd., Rowohlt, Reinbek near Hamburg 1987.
  • Detlef Uhle: Yoga for everyone - exercises for every day / Yogi Deenbandhu. Completely revised and expanded new edition, Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1993.

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