Detlef Walde

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Detlef Hans-Gerd Walde (born April 12, 1945 in Leipzig - Stötteritz ) is a German geologist and paleontologist who teaches at the University of Brasília .


After graduating from the Laubach-Kolleg , he studied geology and paleontology at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg im Breisgau . He received his doctorate there in 1976 on the subject of the Facial Development of the Precambrian between Serra Mineira and Serra do Cabral (southwest. Espinhaço Zone, Minas Gerais, Brazil) with Reinhard Pflug as a Dr. rer. nat.

He has taught at the Instituto de Geociências at the University of Brasilia since 1977 and has been the director of this institute since February 2010. Walde works at the Instituto Eschwege in Diamantina in Brazil. From 1999 to 2000 he was a visiting professor at the TU Berlin .

In 1980 Walde discovered the Corumbella fossil near the southern Brazilian city of Corumbá .


Detlef Walde is a great-grandson of Christian Hermann Waldes . His brother is the German politician Eberhard Walde .

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