Detlev Martens

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Detlev August Martens (born January 27, 1847 in Burg (Dithmarschen) ; † June 16, 1905 there ) was a German doctor and politician.


As the son of a surgeon, Detlev Martens studied medicine at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel , the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen and the Philipps University in Marburg . In 1865 he became a member of the Corps Holsatia . In 1866 he joined the Corps Suevia Tübingen . In 1868 he joined the Corps Teutonia Marburg . After completing his studies, he was promoted to Dr. med. PhD. In the Franco-Prussian War he took part in the medical service of the Prussian Army . Then he was a general practitioner in Steinwerder and Burg. From 1894 until his death in 1905 Martens sat as a member of the constituency Schleswig-Holstein 11 (Süderdithmarschen) in the Prussian House of Representatives . He was a member of the faction of the National Liberal Party , of which he was also a member. He was district deputy and member of the district committee and district council of the district of Süderdithmarschen as well as head of office in Burg. Characterized as a medical council , he was 58 years old.

See also


  • Bernhard Mann : Biographical handbook for the Prussian House of Representatives 1867-1918 (= handbooks on the history of parliamentarism and the political parties. Volume 3). Droste, Düsseldorf 1988, ISBN 3-7700-5146-7 , p. 262.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Kösener corps lists 1910, 134/328; 197/399; 166/480.
  2. Dissertation: About a case of carcinoma of the liver and carcinomatous thrombosis of the ascending hollow artery .
  3. ↑ Blue Book of the Corps Teutonia in Marburg . Marburg 2000, p. 118