German Conservatives

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German Conservative Party
Logo of the German Conservative Party
Party leader Dieter Jochim
vice-chairman Ursula Saul
Federal Managing Director Bernd Woelcken
Federal Treasurer Uwe Kozian
founding 2009
P.O. Box 26 03 54 13413 Berlin
Alignment conservatism
Colours) blue
Government grants no
Number of members 364

The German Conservative Party (until 2014 German Conservative Party ) is a small German party founded in 2009 .


The party was founded in 2009 by former officials and members of the Berlin regional association of the right-wing populist party of the rule of law . Originally the foundation was planned under the name "German Party - The Conservatives", which was rejected by the Federal Returning Officer, as this name is already occupied by the German Party . It therefore called itself the German Conservative Party, since 2014 German Conservatives. According to the party itself, it had fewer than 400 members nationwide in 2014.

The party first appeared in the election for the Berlin House of Representatives in 2011 and received 608 (0.0%) first and 2332 (0.2%) second votes.

On January 14, 2012, the party merged with Allianz der Mitte .

The party wants to become the reservoir for the political spectrum of the conservatives and sees itself as "bourgeois-conservative, solid, safe, social and free". Some of the party's politicians and candidates were previously members of extreme right-wing parties. The top candidate for the district elections in Cham 2014, Erich Schwarzfischer, was previously the district chairman of the Republicans party and a candidate for the NPD in the Bundestag . For the 2014 European elections , the party u. a. Tilo Bretschneider, state chairman of the civil rights party for more freedom and democracy - freedom in Saxony. However, the party was not allowed to vote.

In December 2016, a merger with the Future for Germany party under the legal cover of the German Conservative Party was announced.

The party took part in the state elections in Brandenburg in 2019 with two direct candidates . These achieved 0.7% and 0.2% of the votes in their respective constituencies.

At the end of September 2019, the German Conservatives started the campaign: Motorists Party - German Conservatives. She rejects the change in transport policy , and calls for an end to the exercise of its discrimination of motorists .

Name similarities

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Oskar Niedermayer : German Conservatives . August 26, 2011
  2. ^ Message to the Federal Returning Officer ( Memento of October 10, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), as of September 27, 2014, accessed on April 14, 2019
  3. Press release of the federal executive committee of January 31, 2015: official party designation / membership numbers ( memento of February 4, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on February 4, 2015
  4. Final result of the elections in Berlin on September 18, 2011 (PDF; 4.7 MB)
  5. German Conservatives and ADM united! In: Archived from the original on January 23, 2012 ; Retrieved April 28, 2013 .
  6. ^ Oskar Niedermayer : German Conservatives . August 26, 2011
  7. ^ Stefan Christoph: German Conservative Party - new splinter group from the right . In: Malfunction reporter . January 28, 2014
  8. Merger of the parties German Conservatives & ZFD - Future for Germany. (No longer available online.) In: Archived from the original on December 13, 2016 ; accessed on December 13, 2016 .
  9. Public announcements by the regional returning officer | Brandenburg elections. Retrieved July 1, 2019 .
  10. Webmaster: Motorists Party. In: German Conservatives. Retrieved September 30, 2019 (German).