German Archery Association

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German Archery Association 1959
Logo of the German Archery Association
Founded 1959
Place of foundation Zittau
president Karl Jungblut
Association headquarters Zittau

The German Archery Association 1959 e. V. (DBSV) is a nationwide archery association . The DBSV was founded in 1959 as the national archery association of the former GDR . As the national association of the GDR, it was represented in the National Olympic Committee of the GDR and in the international umbrella organization for archery - the former FITA (Fédération Internationale de Tir à l'Arc) , now the World Archery Federation (WA). After the fall of the Wall , there was no merger with the West German Rifle Federation , which represents all shooting sports and also has the monopoly position in the German Olympic Sports Federation . The DBSV has subsequently spread to the old federal states and is now represented in all federal states except for Bremen, Hamburg and the Saarland. Members of the association are the regional associations of the respective federal states.

The sports program of the DBSV includes all areas of archery and has been developed according to the wishes of the members.

Competition rules

The competition rules (WKO) of the DBSV regulate all sporting activities in the DBSV . The WKO is regularly revised and updated.

Competitions of the DBSV

Shooting according to the rules of the World Archery Federation (WA) on target outdoors and indoors:

  • German indoor championship for all classes
  • German championship women and men
  • German championship of the age groups
  • German championship for bows without visor
  • German championship youth
  • Association cup for adults
  • Association cup of youth


Shooting an off-road course on a ring disc with known and unknown distances as well as on animal images and 3D targets with unknown distances:

  • 3D Germany Cup
  • German Championship 3D
  • German championship field
  • German championship forest


  • Archery Bundesliga recurve at 70 m.

The individual competitions and championships are carried out separately according to bow type and age group.

The archery classes

The age groups

Youth classes:

  • U10 female + male
  • U12 female + male
  • U14 female + male
  • U17 female + male
  • U20 female + male


  • Ladies
  • Men's

Age groups:

  • Women over 40
  • Men over 45
  • Women over 50
  • Men over 55
  • Women over 60
  • Men over 65

The inclusion classes

Every archer organized in disabled sports who can show a classification has the opportunity to participate in the championships in the DBSV and can thus qualify for championships in disabled sports . Social inclusion of disabled people has been lived in the DBSV for many years. The inclusion class is given as an addition after the age class. The names of the inclusion classes are derived from the internationally used English names of Paralympic sport .

Representation: identifier age class / Para identifier inclusion class


  • U10 / Para - athletes with amputation or walking difficulties.
  • U10 / Para W2 - would mean that it is a wheelchair user.
stands for disabled sports at WA: Para-Archery .
Wheelchair (wheelchair) class 1 = wheelchair users with tetraplegia .
Tetraplegia (Greek tetra- τετρα-, “four” and plēgḗ πληγή, “blow, paralysis”) is a form of paraplegia in which all four limbs (legs and arms) are affected.
Wheelchair class 2 = wheelchair users with paraplegia .
Paraplegia is total paralysis of the lower or upper extremities. It is the result of damage to the spinal cord below C4 (cervical cervical vertebra No. 4), at the level of the thoracic or lumbar spine, with paralysis of the leg muscles and loss of sensation.
Para ID
Athletes with intellectual disabilities (English: intellectually derogated ).
This class does not yet exist in archery and is being set up by the German Archery Association 1959 eV due to existing demand.
Para VI
People with visual impairment (English: visually impaired ) - the blind and visually impaired.

Jennifer Hess is a successful archer, champion and record holder in disabled sports .

Regional associations in the DBSV

Baden-Württemberg Archery Association Baden-Württemberg eV BVBW
Bavaria Archery Association of Bavaria eV BVBA
Berlin Archery Association Berlin eV BVB www
Brandenburg Brandenburger Archery Association eV BBSV
Hesse Archery Association Hessen eV BSVH
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania North German Archery Association Mecklenburg-Vorpommern eV NBSB-MV
Lower Saxony Lower Saxony Archery Association NBSV
North Rhine-Westphalia Archery Association of North Rhine-Westphalia eV BVNW
Rhineland-Palatinate Archery Association Rhineland-Palatinate eV BSV-RP
Saxony Saxon Archery Association eV . SBV
Saxony-Anhalt Archery Association of Saxony-Anhalt eV BSSA
Schleswig-Holstein Archery Association Schleswig-Holstein eV BVSH
Thuringia Thuringian Archery Association eV TBSV

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. DBSV sports program. In: , accessed on September 2, 2016.
  2. DBSV competition rules (WKO) from 01.12.2015. In: , accessed on September 2, 2016.