Diana Torto

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Diana Torto (* 1968 in Oberdiessbach ) is a versatile Italian jazz singer . "Through her pure, touching singing and her enormous scat skills" she is considered one of the "most outstanding personalities of contemporary vocal jazz."


Torto, who initially worked with the IS Ensemble , was hired by Paolo Damiani and Stefano Benni for their Sconcerto project in 1998 ; Damiani also brought in the singer for his albums Ladybird (2004), Jazz Italiano Live (2007, with Louis Sclavis ) and (with Gianluigi Trovesi ) Al tempo che verrà (2007). Together with Maurizio Rolli, she presented the album Norwegian Wood . In 2008 she recorded the album Triangoli with John Taylor and Anders Jormin , which received excellent reviews, for example in the Guardian . Danilo Rea and Gino Paoli participated in their project Cinema Songs in 2009 .

Torto toured with John Taylor as a duo, performed with him, Lee Konitz and the WDR Big Band Cologne in 2012 at the Leipzig Jazz Days and is the soloist on Kenny Wheeler's album The Long Waiting (2011). She has also recorded with Roberto Bonati, Angelo Canelli, Massimiliano Coclite, Fabrizio Gaudino, Alfredo Impullitti, Angelo Schiavi and Angelo Valori. She feels as much a part of the tradition of Duke Ellington as she does to the “(un) natural rhythms” - the title of a CD by Alessio Riccio, in which she is involved - of experimental postmodernism.

Torto teaches jazz singing at several music academies in northern Italy. She received awards at the Barga Jazz Festival in 2005 and the 1997 Sarteano Festival in 1997.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Flavio Caprera Dizionario del jazz italiano Feltrinelli 2014
  2. Short biography (Hanover University of Music)
  3. ^ Review of Triangoli (The Guardian)
  4. Short biography (Kulturkreis Deutschlandsberg)