The trip to Braunschweig (Reuter)

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The trip to Braunschweig. A short description of my journey through large and small countries is an early work of only a few pages by the Low German poet and writer Fritz Reuter . He wrote it around 1822 at the age of 12 for his godfather , Amtshauptmann Weber, who was to become famous through Reuters' work Ut de Franzosentid , published in 1859 .


The narrator reports to his godfather about a multi-day round trip starting from his place of residence in Stavenhagen in Pomerania . He and three people set out on September 27th and first drive to Jabel by carriage to meet his uncle and wait with the others for their father. After his arrival, the journey continues to see grandmother in Parchim . This is followed by stays in Grabow and Dömitz , until the Elbe is crossed at Dannenberg in the Kingdom of Hanover on October 4th . Then you travel through the Lüneburg Heath to Uelzen and on to Gifhorn . The following morning the tour group reaches the Duchy of Braunschweig and finally its capital and residence city of Braunschweig .

The narrator describes the two-day stay in the city and what he has experienced and seen. So z. B. the towers of the city, which he could already see from afar, "the town hall" (probably the old town hall ), "the theater ", "the magnificent royal palace or gray courtyard (Grauenhof) ". On the second day of his stay, he first visits Ölper with his father , later he describes the Burgplatz , the “barracks” there (today Dankwarderode Castle ) and the Brunswick Lion built by Heinrich the Lion . On the third day the parade ground is visited, the narrator observing the Braunschweig body battalion and the cavalry and describing the infantry uniform: “Short black jackets with light blue lapels and collars, black trousers with light blue braids and a cap with a death's head and two bones made of steel and a horse's tail instead of a feather bush. ”Finally, a visit to the museum and the“ picture gallery ”(probably the Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum ) follow .

The group then travels via Königslutter and Helmstedt to Magdeburg , where, among other things, the cathedral as well as the grave of Otto I and the Magdeburg rider find their attention. From there the journey goes back to the starting point in Stavenhagen via various smaller towns.


The story first appeared posthumously in 1874 in the first part of Nachgelassene Schriften in Hinstorff Verlag, along with other short works.

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