The Atonement (1917)

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Original title The atonement
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1918
length 69 minutes
Director Emmerich Hanus
script Claudia Cornelius
production Astra movie

The Atonement is a 1917 German silent film melodrama with Martha Novelly and Kurt Vespermann in the leading roles.


Ludwig von Laas and his mother spend a peaceful life on an estate. As has been the case every year since their childhood together, Renate, an aspiring sculptor, visits him this time. A meadow festival is held in her honor. The invited guests arrive by water. As once in their childhoods, they both then play “ blind cow ”. Ludwig falls unhappy into the water and becomes blind as a result.

Renate feels responsible for the loss of Ludwig's eyesight and after Frau von Laas's death moves to her estate in order to look after Ludwig in her place. It is not easy for her to break off her artistic career because Renate's teacher prophesied that she would have a remarkable career as a sculptor. Renate has become irritated over the years, as the care of Ludwig demands a lot from her. Ludwig has a different memory of his childhood friend and no longer recognizes her when one day he regains his eyesight. He falls into the clutches of the dancer Sybille, who is only playing a bad game with him. Ludwig later knows what he has in Renate and returns ruefully to her.

Production notes

The atonement , subtitle: A game from life , was created at the end of 1917 and was premiered in January 1918 at Berlin's Passage Theater Unter den Linden. The four-stroke was banned from young people and had a length of 1420 meters.


“In every human life, conflicts arise to a greater or lesser extent when love moves in. Here, too, the fates of two people are guided by love and purified in the resulting conflicts until they arrive at the port of peace after a laborious wandering. Martha Novelly, supported by Bruno Eichgrün, creates a harmonious picture, which can be counted among the successful pieces due to its warmth and truth. The photography and equipment is first class. "

- Cinematographic review

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Cinematographische Rundschau of September 21, 1918. P. 68