Martha Novelly

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Martha Novelly , born Martha Buchholz (born February 14, 1889 in Hamburg , † August 28, 1972 in Berlin ) was a German actress .


She made her stage debut at the age of 15 in Lübeck in 1904 . She then played in Flensburg , Oldenburg , Frankfurt (Oder) , Chemnitz , Nuremberg and Stuttgart . From 1914 she worked at the Lustspielhaus in Berlin .

Like many other Berlin stage actors, she began a film career during the First World War . From 1916 to 1918 she always had leading roles in serious, dramatic subjects. A few years after their marriage in 1918, she ended her career.



  • Kay Less : The film's great personal dictionary . The actors, directors, cameramen, producers, composers, screenwriters, film architects, outfitters, costume designers, editors, sound engineers, make-up artists and special effects designers of the 20th century. Volume 6: N - R. Mary Nolan - Meg Ryan. Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-89602-340-3 , p. 18.

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