The dead are not silent

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Original title The dead are not silent
Country of production GDR
original language German
Publishing year 1978
length 76 minutes
Director Walter Heynowski , Gerhard Scheumann
script Walter Heynowski, Gerhard Scheumann
music Yehudi Menuhin
camera Peter Hellmich, Horst Donth, Winfried Goldner
cut Traute Wischnewski , Ilse Radke

The dead do not mention is a DDR - Documentary about the military dictatorship in Chile , which in 1978 in the studios of H & S Films, directed by Walter Heynowski and Gerhard Scheu man emerged.


The documentation offers a deeper insight into the military and military policy in Chile in the 1970s. The focus is on the memoirs of Moy de Tohá and Isabel Letelier. Both became widows as their high-ranking husbands fell victim to the fascist coup.

It deals in detail with the personality of Augusto Pinochet , who for many years was a frequent guest as a confidante of the Tohá and Letelier families.


The GDR documentary filmmakers Heynowski / Scheumann produced ten films and other books on the subject of Chile between 1973 and 1977, which were also received in the Federal Republic.


The premiere in the cinema was on April 17, 1978 in the Kosmos-Kino, Berlin . The first television broadcast took place in the first program of the television of the GDR on April 19, 1978.

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. Georg Dufner: Partner in the Cold War