The world (tarot)

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The world is one of the also major arcana -called trump cards of the Tarot .


Mostly you see a naked girl holding two wands, in a victory wreath, surrounded by the cherubim (or the symbols of the evangelists). In the Visconti-Sforza game you see two small children carrying a ball with a city (heavenly Jerusalem) depicted in it.


The world stands for success and the achievement of the (one) goal. In the mystical it represents the Unio Mystica, the immersion of the individual person in a larger context of meaning. Classical in the tarot interpretation is the view that the fool is the way in which he is perceived by other people, but the world, what makes him inside.



In many variants of the tarot card deck, this card is called the moon (a corruption of the French monde , world) and is one of the three trull pieces . In esoteric tarot decks, trump card XVIII is referred to as "The Moon" and card No. XXI is correctly translated as "the universe".

Web links

Commons : The world  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files