The star (tarot)

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The trump card The star is the XVII tarot card of the Great Arcana . It is used in games and for divination . It represents the principle of hope .


The star (XVII) of the Jean Dodal game

A naked woman kneels with her left knee by the water, her right foot is in the water, the other is touching the earth. A large eight-pointed star shines above her head, surrounded by seven smaller stars. She holds a mug in each of her two hands. With her right hand she pours liquid from the jug into the water, with the jug of her left she pours the land. In other or older games, such as the Visconti-Sforza deck , a woman (sometimes also a man) is shown who (or who) looks up at the star or reaches for it.


The following terms are used as passwords:

  • Hope - Clarity - Inspiration - Generosity
  • Optimism - joy - confidence - regeneration
  • Good will - harmony - renewal of strength
  • Calm - open love - trust
  • Tranquility - peace of mind - pure essence

In general, the star conveys humility and simplicity as well as a religiosity without pathos . It symbolizes openness , clarity of feelings , readiness to absorb cosmic energies , fulfillment , hope and a little enlightenment .

Esoteric Correspondences

An esoteric equivalent of the star in astrology is the zodiac sign Aquarius , which belongs to the element air ( Alchemy air symbol.svg), and in the broader sense the air triangle Aquarius - Libra - Gemini . In the Golden Dawn , the equivalent of the Hebrew script is the letter Tzade (צ) with the numerical value 90, in the Crowley Thoth Tarot, however, the letter He ( ה). The numerological cross-sum 8 (= 1 + 7) stands in Kabbalah for the Sephira Yesod , the ground , foundation stone or foundation . Eliphas Lévi , however, advocates the letter Pe (פ) with the number 80 - symbol of language and the human voice . The Sephirah is then Geburah ( law , justice , strength, power and victory). The solution process functions as an alchemical equivalent . The color assigned to the star is purple . As a Christian symbol, it stands for Maria Magdalena . Associated with the star is the spring whose living water purifies us and gives us evolutionary and generous knowledge - a knowledge that transcends purely formal and descriptive encyclopedism .

color code: # A146FF

Symbolism in the Waite Tarot

Arthur Edward Waite was a key figure in modern tarot interpretations, but not all interpretations follow his worldview:

  • The bird sitting on the tree resembles an ibis , which the ancient Egyptians viewed as a symbol of their god Thoth .
  • As in the Marseille Tarot, one large and seven smaller stars are shown. The main star represents the l'Étoile Flamboyante of the Freemasons .

Modern interpretation

Pamela Eakins (1992) gives the following divinatory interpretation for the card The Star in her tarot deck Tarot of the Spirit :

Follow your star. To find it, meditate on your very being. When you arrive at the center of yourself, you become aware of a great mystery. This secret is the key to their creative powers. Your knowledge of this will answer your question. Let yourself be inspired by taking a walk at night and contemplating your existence .

Divinatory meaning

The element water stands for the unconscious or the universal. The land refers to the solid ground of the concrete, material world. The woman - representing the nature goddess - renews both. The two jugs refer to the integration of polar opposites in us. The Arcanum The star is a card of hope for positive events, which is indicated by the neighboring cards when laid out.

With the star, hope , inspiration and joy of discovery reappear . The diabolical chaos of the previous card The tower is over, there is calm after the storm. Breaking through the destructive influences enables the attainment of a higher state of consciousness . The star and the next two cards, the moon and the sun , bring more and more light and thus clarity into our existence. A better way of life becomes recognizable. It is quite possible that we will now solve puzzles, fathom secrets or get new ideas through meditation .

The planets depicted in the sky are the ladder on which we climb towards our mystical goal. The star lets us know that we are getting closer to our goal of enlightenment on the journey of the fool or the journey of the hero .

Other names and designs

The star in the Visconti-Sforza game, Italy, 1450
The star in the Vieville game, France, 1650
  • The star is sometimes referred to as The Astronomer or The Navigator .
  • The very early Visconti-Sforza game from 1450 shows a woman standing upright on firm ground, with her left hand reaching for the eight-pointed star, behind the woman two stylized mountains.
  • In Vandenborre and in the Viéville game (1650) a seated astronomer can be seen on the left and a tower on the right. A large star shines above the astronomer, surrounded by smaller ones. The astronomer observes the star with a pair of compasses held in his left hand. In the Viéville game only five stars are shown.
  • Hermann Haindl changes the subject so that now a woman washes her hair in a spring.
  • At Aleister Crowley's , a naked, ethereal woman pours one of the goblets over herself and empties the other onto the floor.
  • The Rosenwald sheet shows only one eight-pointed star.

Web links

Commons : The star  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Juliette Wood: The Celtic Tarot and the Secret Tradition: A Study in Modern Legend Making . In: Folklore . tape 109 , 1998, pp. 15-24 .
  2. ^ Arthur E. Waite: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot . 1910.
  3. Pamela Eakins and Joyce Eakins: Tarot of the Spirit . Ed .: US Games Systems, Inc. Stanford, Connecticut 1992.
  4. ^ Robert Place: The Tarot . Tarcher-Penguin, 2005, p. 157 .
  5. ^ Paul Foster Case: The Tarot . BOTA, 1947, p. 175 .