Dieter Buchberger

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Dieter Buchberger (* 1958 ) is a German management consultant, professor and politician from Memmingen .


Buchberger first attended high school in Kempten (Allgäu) , followed by many years of professional activity in Augsburg . He is currently working in Ulm and Lindau . He is a professor at the Ulm University of Applied Sciences in the Faculty of Production Engineering and Production Management and spokesman for the Institute for Business Organization and Logistics. He is a member of the Memmingen city ​​council for the ÖDP , although he is non-party. He ran for the election of the mayor of the city of Memmingen on July 4, 2010, in which he received 19.9% ​​of the votes and came in second place among all candidates. In addition, he ran for the ödp in the district election of Swabia in 2008.

He is married with three children and lives in the Dickenreishausen district of Memmingen .

Allgäu Airport

Buchberger is a member of the citizens' initiative Citizens Against and Aircraft Noise and demanded at a press conference in Benningen in 2010 that the Allgäu Airport experiment should be canceled. He feared a very low operating profit of the airport of 35,000 euros and the withdrawal of Air Berlin , a softening of the night flight ban .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Allgäuer Zeitung : Buchberger wants to become OB ( Memento of the original from April 4, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. dated April 2, 2010, accessed April 5, 2010 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Schwäbische Zeitung : Opponents of Memmingen Airport fear night flights on September 8, 2010, accessed on September 9, 2010