Dieter Hagenbach

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Dieter Alfred Hagenbach (born July 24, 1943 in Basel ; † August 17, 2016 there ) was a Swiss bookseller, publisher, literary agent and author. Hagenbach was the founder of Sphinx Verlag and the non-profit Gaia Media Foundation .

Life and work

After graduating from high school , Dieter Hagenbach did an apprenticeship as an interior designer, followed in 1969 by studying art and architecture at the Düsseldorf Art Academy . At the academy he formed the multimedia art team “Cosmic Correspondence” with the German Jürgen Rahn. This was followed by consciousness experiments typical of the time with LSD , mushrooms , hashish and amphetamine as well as trips to California and India . When Timothy Leary sought asylum in Switzerland in 1971 while fleeing the CIA , he lived for a while with Hagenbach, who advocated Leary in a letter to the then Swiss President Kurt Furgler .

In the fall of 1975, Hagenbach opened the Sphinx bookstore on Spalenberg in Basel with the Sphinx publishing house belonging to it . The focus of the publishing program was on the topics of psychology, philosophy, consciousness research , indigenous peoples, spirituality and esotericism . In 15 years of publishing history he has published works by Alan Watts , Marilyn Ferguson , Joseph Campbell , Fritjof Capra , John C. Lilly , Timothy Leary and Aleister Crowley , for example . In 1977 he published the Necronomicon of the later Oscar winner HR Giger , with whom he had a long friendship. From 1977 to 1986 Hagenbach was editor of the Sphinx magazine .

In 1990 the Sphinx publishing house was sold to the Random House publishing group . From then on, Dieter Hagenbach worked as a literary agent and founded the non-profit Gaia Media Foundation in Basel on June 23, 1993 , which wanted to counteract the daily horror news with a “Goodnewsletter” set up by Hagenbach, among other things. The Goodnewsletter appeared in print until 2006.

For the 100th birthday of the LSD discoverer Albert Hofmann, the Gaia Media Foundation organized a ceremony in the Natural History Museum in Basel, as well as the subsequent symposium “ LSD - Problem Child and Wonder Drug”. In response to the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos , Hagenbach hosted the World Psychedelic Forum (WPF) in the Congress Center Basel from March 21 to 24, 2008 , with around 2000 visitors from 37 countries. The speakers included the psychotherapists Peter Gasser , Stanislav Grof and Ralph Metzner , the artist Alex Gray , MAPS founder Rick Doblin and Albert Hofmann.


Web links

Individual notes

  1. Obituaries of Dieter Hagenbach ,, accessed on September 1, 2016.
  2. a b c Lucius Werthmüller: Obituary for Sphinx publisher Dieter Hagenbach. In: Grenzwissenschaft-aktuell. August 30, 2016, accessed September 1, 2016.
  3. Daniel Meier: In Search of the Self , obituary in: NZZ am Sonntag of August 28, 2016.
  4. speakers .