Dietrich Sigismund von Buch

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Dietrich Sigismund von Buch (born October 1 or 2, 1646 in Arnstadt , Thuringia , † 1687 ) was court official at the Elector Friedrich Wilhelm of Brandenburg. He was the Elector's Chamberlain in the Northern War from 1674 and left a diary that serves as an important historical source.

The diary goes from 1674 to 1683 and records the events day by day and was written in French.

He came from an old noble family in the Mark Brandenburg and Mecklenburg. His father Otto Wedigo von Buch was a soldier and from 1643 court squire of Count Anton Günther von Schwarzburg-Arnstadt. Later he was court marshal to the Duke of Mecklenburg-Güstrow and then retired to his estate in Tornow . In 1645 he married Anna Katharina von Berge (from the Thuringian nobility) and died in 1682. From 1662 Dietrich Sigismund von Buch attended the Knight's Academy in Lüneburg . Then he went to Flanders and France, possibly on a cavalier tour, but probably also in military service, as he was later entrusted with this by the Great Elector. It is recorded in Paris around 1670. From 1674 he accompanied the Great Elector on campaigns, first against the French in Alsace and in 1675 against the Swedes in Fehrbellin , of which he brought news to the Netherlands. After that he was part of the Pomeranian campaign in 1675/76 . In 1677 he was present at the siege of Stettin and brought the news of the handover of the city to Dresden and Vienna. In 1678 he took part in the capture of Rügen and the siege of Greifswald and Stralsund and in the winter campaign of 1679 in Prussia. In May 1679 he received a company of mounted men from his body regiment from the Elector, who were stationed in Rathenow , but also remained a chamberlain.

Von Buch was very close to the elector, but was probably not his travel marshal (Ferdinand Hirsch), as was sometimes claimed. The diary only shows that he was offered the office in 1679.

From his diary one can see that in the end he had a lot to do with the management of his estate after his father's death. There were problems with the mortgage lending of the goods - which he settled for himself in 1682 - and inheritance disputes with the stepmother. But he was still listed as Rittmeister of the 5th Company of the Leibregiment in 1684, but not in 1686. He died in 1687 without male descendants and was unmarried. His heir was his younger brother Gustav Wilhelm, who also died in 1689, but was married and continued the line.


  • Dieterich Sigismund's diary von Buch from the years 1674 to 1683 . 2 volumes. H. Costenoble, Jena 1865 - with German translation by Major von Kassel
  • Dietrich Sigismund von Buch's (1674-1683) diary . Edited by Ferdinand Hirsch . (Publications of the association for the history of the Mark Brandenburg). 2 volumes. Duncker and Humblot, Leipzig 1904–1905 ( digitized from both volumes ) - edition of the French original


Individual evidence

  1. Life and career data based on Hirsch's foreword in his 1904 edition of the diaries