Dietrich Walther

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Dietrich Walther (born February 6, 1942 in Stettin ; † November 12, 2016 ) was an entrepreneur from Iserlohn and founder of the private BiTS University of Applied Sciences .

He became known as the CEO of the company Gold-Zack Werke AG , which had to file for bankruptcy in 2003 after its transformation into an investment company and other activities in the real estate business . He began his entrepreneurial career as a trainee at Unilever , but he founded a special leasing company as early as 1972, which had a turnover of 400 million marks. He sold these to the cooperative banks. There it is still operated today as VR Leasing .

Walther specialized in the business with the IPO ( Initial Public Offering ), i. H. the first public offering of shares on the stock exchange, which German banks had long neglected. As a management consultant, he advised B. the companies Kampa and Gerry Weber at their IPOs. At the end of the 1990s, he made Gold-Zack AG one of the leading German stock issuing houses, especially for stocks on the Neuer Markt . The IPO business became extremely lucrative for him. As a marketing expert, he looked for companies that he classified as “wallflowers with sex appeal” and invested in them before going public, often with 20 to 30 percent. Then he improved the company's image, which led to a higher market value of the company when it went public.

Walther founded the Business and Information Technology School in 2000 and was its President until November 30, 2010. With effect from November 19, 2010, he was appointed a full member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts . Since December 2010 he has been the sole owner of the boarding school on the Seilersee .

In January 2009 the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kiev awarded Walther an honorary doctorate in economics .

In his free time, Dietrich Walther was the chairman of the Iserlohn Riding Club

Dietrich Walther died on November 12, 2016 at the age of 74.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Günter Ogger : The stock market fraud. How shareholders and investors are being fooled, C. Bertelsmann Verlag, Munich 2001, p. 204ff. ISBN 9783570004982
  2. Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger and newspaper of November 30, 2010
  3. Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger and newspaper of December 31, 2010
  4. Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger and newspaper from January 29, 2009
  5. Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger and newspaper of November 18, 2016