Dimityr Detschew

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Dimityr Detschew , also Dimiter Decev , Dimităr D. Dečev , ( Bulgarian Димитър Дечев ; born August 28, 1877 in Swishtov , † September 4, 1958 in Sofia ) was a Bulgarian philologist .


Detschew studied classical philology and philosophy in Göttingen and Leipzig . From 1924 he worked as a professor at the University of Sofia . He was a member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences .

Dimityr Detschew was a specialist in the ancient languages ​​of the Balkans . He dealt with epigraphy , archeology and history. A special focus was the study of the language and religion of the Thracians . He was awarded the Dimitrov Prize.

Publications (selection)

  • Трако-келтски езикови успоредици , 1922
  • Iztočno-germanskijat proizchod na bŭlgarskoto narodnostno ime . Sofia 1926
  • German: The East Germanic origin of the Bulgarian folk name . In: Zeitschrift für Ortsnameforschung 2, 1927, pp. 198–216.
  • Отговори на папа Николай по допитванията на българите , 1933
  • Извори за старата история и география на Тракия и Македония , 1949
  • Характеристика на тракийския език , 1952
  • The Thracian language remnants . Roher, Vienna 1957


  • Izsledvanija v čest na akad. Dimităr Dečev po slučaj 80-godišninata mu. [Research in honor of Academician Dimităr Dečev on the occasion of his 80th birthday]. Sofia 1958.
  • Detschew, Dimityr . In: Taschenlexikon Bulgaria . Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig 1983, p. 53.