Diogenes (family)

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The Diogenes family ( Middle Greek Διογένης ) was an old and respected Byzantine aristocratic family, who were wealthy in Cappadocia (in Central Anatolia in today's Turkey ), appear in documents as early as 788 and with Romanos IV Diogenes in the years 1068 to 1072 an emperor of the Byzantine Empire .

Christian Settipani has sketched the closer stem series as follows:

  • Diogenes (* c. 840), 880 Comes (count)
  • Diogenes (* c. 875, † beginning of the 10th century), imperial Spatharocandidatos (guard officer)
⚭ Ne, († c. 880), probably a daughter of Adralestus (* 850, † 921), 920 Domestikos ton scholon (commander in chief of the army)
  • Diogenes (* c. 900, † n. 944), 944 Strategos (General)
⚭ Ne Phokaina (* c. 919), probably a sister of Nikephorus II. Phokas emperor of the Byzantine Empire (963–969) and daughter of Bardas Phokas († 979), Domestikos ton scholon (commander in chief of the army) and the Ne Maleine, Daughter of Eudokimos Maleinos and Anastaso (* c. 870) (daughter of Adralestus († 921))
  • Diogenes Adralestus (* c. 930, † n. 970), cousin of Bardas Phokas, who was Domestikos ton scholon (commander in chief of the army) in 978
⚭ Ne
  • Adralestus Diogenes, c. 1015 Strategos (General) of Morava
⚭ Ne Philomatia (* c. 970), daughter of a Philomathios.

Charles Chawley states the next generations as follows:

⚭ Ne Argyre, niece of Romanus III. Argyros , Emperor of the Byzantine Empire (1028-1034)
⚭ 1.) Anna Alusiane (* c. 1030, † before 1065), daughter of Alusian , who was briefly tsar of the first Bulgarian empire in 1041 .
⚭ 2.) Eudokia Makrembolitissa († c. 1096), widow of Constantine X. Dukas , Emperor of the Byzantine Empire (1059-1067), daughter of Johannes Makrembolites († n. 1040) and Ne Kerularie, niece of Michael I. Kerullarios , Patriarch of Constantinople (1043-1059), whose dispute with the legates of Pope Leo IX. 1054 led to the Oriental Schism between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church .

Emperor Romanos IV. Diogenes had three children from his first marriage:

⚭ 1068/71 Theodora Komnene, sister of Alexios I Komnenos , Emperor of the Byzantine Empire (1081–1118), daughter of Johannes Komnenos , Domestikos, and Anna Dalassene
Constantine Diogenes the Younger had a daughter:
* Anna Diogene
⚭ Uros I., Großžupan von Raszien (Raska, Serbia) (* c. 1080, † n. 1130)
  • N Diogenes (son)
⚭ 1071/72 Ne Seldschuk, daughter of Alp Arslan , Sultan of the Turkish Greater Seljuks (1063–1072).
  • Ne Diogene (daughter)
⚭ after August 19, 1071 Malik Shah I , Sultan of the Seljuks (1072-1092)

Emperor Romanos IV Diogenes had two sons and nominal co-emperors from his second marriage:

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Christian Settipani: Continuité des Élites á Byzance durant les Siécles obscurs - Les Princes Caucasiens et l´Empire du VIe au IXe Siécle, éditeur: De Brocard, Paris, 2006, page 82
  2. Christian Settipani: Continuité des Élites á Byzance durant les Siécles obscurs - Les Princes Caucasiens et l´Empire du VIe au IXe Siécle, éditeur: De Brocard, Paris, 2006, page 82
  3. Charles Cawley: Medieval Lands, Byzantium 1057-1204, Chapter 3 Diogenes Emperor; 1068 - 1071 in: Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (some data modified from Ref.)


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