Diocles (son of Orsilochus)

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Diocles ( Greek  Διοκλῆς ) is in Greek mythology a son of Orsilochus and after this king of Pharai .

In Homer's Iliad he has twin sons, Krethon and Orsilochus , who both fight in the Trojan War in front of Troy and are killed there by Aeneas . After Pausanias , he is also the father of Antikleia . In the Odyssey , Telemachus and Peisistratos stop at the house of Diocles on their journey from Pylos to Sparta and on the way back, where they are received with great hospitality.



  1. Homer Iliad 5, 541 ff.
  2. Pausanias 4:30, 2.
  3. Homer Odyssey 3, 488; 15, 186.