Dionís Renart

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Dionís Renart i García (* 1878 in Barcelona , Kingdom of Spain , † 1946 there ) was a Spanish sculptor and astronomer .


Renart is the son of the painter Dionís Renart i Bosch and brother of the draftsman, painter and interior designer Joaquim Renart . He studied at the Escuela de la Llotja , the art school in his hometown, and then worked, among other things, in the studio of the sculptor Josep Llimona . He took with his sculptures z. B. at the art exhibition in Barcelona in 1911 ( Eva ) and Madrid in 1912 ( Al·legoria i Retrats ) and again in Barcelona with the sculpture La Raça .

Together with Antoni Gaudí and Josep Llimona, Renart worked on sculptures of the First Mystery of Glory of the Rosario Monumental de la Resurrecció de Jesús , on the way to the sanctuary of the Montserrat monastery in Catalonia . He also worked on small works of art such as statues, vessels as well as medals and jewelry in Art Nouveau (Spanish: Modernismo ). He made anatomical showpieces for the Medical Faculty of the University of Barcelona .

In 2013 a portrait of Renart by Pablo Picasso was “rediscovered” in the art market. Works by the sculptor are shown in the Museum of Modern Art in Barcelona.


Renart was president of the department of the Societat Astronòmica de Barcelona dealing with the exploration of the moon , which existed from 1910 to 1923. He was the initiator and co-organizer of the 1912 exhibition on lunar studies in Barcelona. He was the author of a map of the moon on which the surface was represented as a relief by means of stereographic projection. A section of the lunar surface was named after Renart.

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