Dionizije Juričev

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Dionizije Juričev (* 19th March 1915 in Vodice (Dalmatia) ; † 16th September 1943 in the hamlet Butiga to Dicmo in Klis ) was a Roman Catholic military chaplain and Ustasha -Funktionär.


Juričev was a member of the Franciscan Order and was 1939 to priests ordained. He became the personal curate of Ante Pavelić in Zagreb, whom he had met during his studies in Siena . In July 1941, Juričev designated the Independent State of Croatia as the country of the Croats, in which only Croats could live. There is no place for people who do not want to convert and it is not a sin to kill children yourself if they stand in the way of the Ustasha. Due to Juričev's behavior towards a bishop who was critical of the Ustasha, Archbishop Alojzije Stepinac took disciplinary action against Juričev and threatened him with immediate suspension . At the end of 1941 Juričev took over the management of the religious department of the Directorate for State Renewal , whose task was the state coordination of the forced conversions of Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia . Juričev held this task until he was captured and executed by communist Tito partisans in 1943 as a chaplain of an elite Ustaše unit .

Individual evidence

  1. William Dorich: Jasenovac: Then and Now: A Conspiracy of Silence . BookBaby, Cork 1997, ISBN 978-1-882383-90-0 .
  2. ^ Claudia Stahl: Alojzije Stepinac: The Biography . Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 2017, ISBN 978-3-657-78773-9 , pp. 182 .
  3. ^ Michael Geyer, Hartmut Lehmann: Religion and Nation, Nation and Religion: Contributions to an unresolved history . Wallstein, Göttingen 2004, ISBN 978-3-89244-668-2 , p. 243 .
  4. ^ Rory Yeomans: The utopia of terror: life and death in wartime Croatia . University of Rochester Press, Rochester 2015, ISBN 978-1-58046-545-8 , pp. 21 .