Dominik Josef Hayek from Waldstätten

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Reichshofrat Dominik Joseph Freiherr Hayek von Waldstätten 1771

Dominik Josef Simon Judas Baron Hayek von Waldstätten (born October 25, 1698 in Vienna ; † August 5, 1772 in Hernals , today 17th district of Vienna ) was a lawyer , court advisor , imperial court tax office and finally imperial court advisor from the von Waldstätten family .


Son of Johann Siegmund , after studying law and universal history in Vienna and at universities abroad , he took part in two imperial embassies and in 1722 was appointed court advisor to the aristocratic bank at the Palatinate court in Mannheim . He was then Reichshofvizefiskal 1723–1727, then Reichshoffiskal until 1740 and from 1745 until his death, Imperial Reichshofrat. Dominik Josef and his brother Heinrich received the new Bohemian knighthood on April 22, 1744 and the incolat with the unchanged coat of arms from September 5, 1701.

Fortune diploma, issued in Vienna on April 29, 1754, he was awarded the old imperial baron status. The old coat of arms has been improved.

According to the diploma transcripts obtained from the royal Bavarian district archives in Bamberg and Nuremberg , he was accepted with a diploma from November 10, 1747 in Heilbronn , into the imperial knighthood of the three districts of Franconia , Swabia and the Rhine River, and then on July 19, 1756 into the young and on August 19, 1756 accepted into the old families of the Lower Austrian knighthood.

Coat of arms of the Barons Hayek von Waldstätten from 1754

In 1736/1737 he acquired the Kirchberg an der Wild and Blumau with Ellends goods (in the Waldviertel in Lower Austria) from the bankruptcy creditors of Count Ferdinand Mallenthein, to whom these goods had been judicially assigned (including his father and his wife) January 1738 written in the valid book. In these bankruptcy proceedings, the Groß-Siegharts estate was assigned to the Einpach heirs, among other things, who cleared their fellow creditors and were written to the valid in 1737. Dominik Josef acquired it in 1763, with a value of 45,000 fl. He also acquired

1764 by Gf. Collalto Sinzendorfschen Fideikommiss (owner Karl Ludwig Graf von Sinzendorf) two Freihöfe zu Schönfeld near Siegharts and two subjects to Merkenbrechts as well as, with permission from the feudal authorities, Zehende to Merkenbrechts, Wurmbach, Klein Haselbach and Öden Dietmanns.


He married Antonie on September 2, 1725 in Schwechat near Vienna (born June 13, 1709 in Breslau ; † May 1, 1797 in Vienna), daughter of the imperial knight Anton Edler von Massa, kk chamber councilor and salt office administrator in Silesia and Eleonore Hiller from Hillersperg . The couple had 19 children, 9 of whom died young. All of the above goods were inherited by his son Hugo, who sold them to Johann Michael Edlen von Grosser in 1785.

coat of arms

1754: The old coat of arms was improved by the baron crown and a third crowned tournament helmet, which is placed in the middle, with red and white blankets and has three ostrich feathers, one red with a white rose, between two blue ones. The covers of the right helmet in black and gold, those of the left blue and gold. Shield holder: two golden griffins . He was the founder of the first, older line.


  • Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the baronial houses S – Z, FB, 1905, 1941.
  • August v. Doerr: The Hayek von Waldstätten, separate print from the yearbook of the kais. Heraldic Society "Adler", Carl Gerold's Sohn printing works, Vienna 1914.

Individual evidence

  1. Anette Baumann et al. (Ed.): Reichspersonal - functionaries for emperors and empires, Böhlau Verlag GmbH & Cie, Cologne 2003, pp. 100-102
  2. Adelsarchiv Wien, Saalbuch 174 B. 31, P. 182 and P. 399
  3. Reichs-Reg. Franz IB 12, P. 10
  4. ^ Historical supplements to the St. Pöltner Diözesanblatt, XI. Vol., 1932; Austrian Art Topography, Vol. VIII, St. Pölten 1911, p. 147 ff
  5. Little significant Passau fiefdoms in the Lower Austrian Provincial Archives, GA OM 76
  6. Passauerstraße Lehen files, carton 1872
  7. Register extract from the parish office of St. Dorothea ex 1941 (WrStLA, Biographisch Gen Slg, Dreger estate, ct. 29/12)
  8. Gothaisches genealogical Handbook of baronial houses SZ, FB, 1905, 1941
  9. August v. Doerr: The Hayek von Waldstätten, separate print from the yearbook of the kais. Heraldic Society "Adler", Carl Gerold's Sohn printing works, Vienna 1914, p. 9